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 [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia

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Sunbae ELF
Sunbae ELF

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[info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia Empty
PostSubject: [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia   [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia EmptyFri Aug 01, 2008 12:04 am

[info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia Thumb_17

Earlier in the month Korean Idol Band Super Junior was announced to be
attending as well as preforming at the MTV Asian Awards 2008 in

Today, SM released the members' Flight to Thailand for
the awards. however some changes have just been added to the flight

July 31, 2008 (Thursday 4:35pm) ALL WILL ARRIVE AT KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport)
–Leeteuk, Hyukjae, Sungmin, Yesung, Heechul

Same day but different time, 6:25pm
–5 SJM Members. Donghae, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, Siwon and Hankyung

August 1, 2008 (Friday 4:35pm)

–Shindong and Kangin

why Han Geng will not be attending is still unsure, it is assumed that
he can not attend because the Olympic Opening in Beijing is on the 8th
on August and therefor Han Geng must stay in China for the meetings and
Despite the unclear reasons, it is confirmed by SM that he will not be in Malaysia with the others.

Kim Ki Bum is also said to not be attending due to conflicting schedules.

kiriezz @ soompi
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Megumi Shiru
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[info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia   [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia EmptyFri Aug 01, 2008 1:03 am

oowwww, I see now why Hangen oppa cannot make it on Malaysia smoking

Well I will cheer for him in the 2008 Beijing Olympics~ Go make us proud oppa!!! bravery Hangen oppa hwaiting!!!waving
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[info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia   [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia EmptyFri Aug 01, 2008 7:54 am

owwh is that the reason???

i wish you good luck oppa shocked
you have to make up your absent in MAA...
we'll cheer you on Beijing Olympic
oppas HWAITING... bravery
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[info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia   [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia EmptyFri Aug 01, 2008 10:18 am

yay too bad,thyre not complete again!! haiis
but dont worry We understand!! we'll support you
ghuys no matter whut! Saranghae Super JUnior
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[info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia   [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia EmptyFri Aug 01, 2008 11:40 am

oh ok now i know.. yah, hwaiting for the beijing olympics geng oppa~
and by the way... there are 13 members, two of them can't go~ tbut there's still 11 more.. :giggle: so i guess it would be still fine~ atleast everyone is almost there...

well, HWAITING!!! for suju oppas to MAA and to their PERFORMANCE...
and to GENG and KIBUM to their career~ fooling
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Shining ELF
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[info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia   [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia EmptyFri Aug 01, 2008 6:25 pm

Aww, poor Hangeng oppa...

Ah, i wish the Suju members good luck for tomorrow and for Hangeng oppa to train well~ deadfun
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[info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia   [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia EmptyFri Aug 01, 2008 9:22 pm

we have the explaination now..
why hankyung oppa cant attend MAA..
well.. we must satisfy to watch the other 11
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Super Moderator
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[info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia   [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia EmptyFri Aug 01, 2008 9:41 pm

glad that SM cleared it out...
i'm sad hankyung oppa and kibummie can't attend MTVAA...
that is not good... suju were not complete...T^T
hope they are complete nxt tym they visited other countries...
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Super ELF
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[info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia   [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia EmptyFri Aug 01, 2008 9:55 pm

wooahh i hope i can watch the torch thingo wer hangeng oppa is..
i hope they show it here..
gud luck oppa...
kibum oppa olweiz have tight schedsz..
hope he is getting a rest..
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[info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia   [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia EmptyFri Aug 01, 2008 11:09 pm

ohhh! so sad...
hangeng oppa coudnt. make it to d MAA...
hays! wil its okie oppa...
coz ur going to d olympics....
eehe ^^
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[info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia   [info]HanGeng will not attend MTV Asia Awards in M'sia EmptySat Aug 02, 2008 5:34 pm

I feel really sad now because oppas always go any where seperating...
feel so sad because can meet oppas at Genting..
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