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 [info] fanmeeting summary for SJ

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[info] fanmeeting summary for SJ Empty
PostSubject: [info] fanmeeting summary for SJ   [info] fanmeeting summary for SJ EmptyFri Mar 14, 2008 6:12 pm

fanmeeting summary from various korean fan's accounts (08.03.09)

they played a couple game and the pairings were kibum ryeowook, heechul shiwon, shindong donghae, hyukjae kyuhyun, yesung hangeng, and kangin sungmin, with teuk as the MC
the game was where they get one newspaper each and each of the couples stand on it and they fold the newspaper smaller and smaller until the teams can't do it anymore
kibum and ryeo were the first to lose LOLLLLLL the fan said that kibum ended up pushing ryeo off the newspaper or something rofllllllllllll lol we saw the shichul pics already, and shindong gave hae a piggyback , kyu gave hyukjae a piggyback, kang was piggybacking min and then he just flung min over his shoulders or something LOL
hyuk and kyu lost after that and then yeh and geng, and kang&min and shindong&hae were the last teams left. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL they were supposed to name their final poses and kangmin's was "touching people" ROFLGLFOLOL they said kang was lift-hugging min with his hand on his butt or something lolll. shindong and hae did the thing that eunhae did in the bboy challenge where hae runs up to shindong and the jump-hugs onto him omg CUUUUUUUUTE <3 but not so cute because they said it was like the sliding-cellphone position so hae kept SLIDING up and down or something WTFFF obscene-a-licious.......... anyways shindong and hae ended up winning the game
they also answered a few questions before the game,
for the member who is always conscious of the fans?
kang won because even after he sleeps in the car he touches up his hair, etc.
for the member who always comes out late?
first it was teuk, but now it's hae. LOL they said that since teuk and hae are now roommates, hae caught the teuk-virus. they said teuk now comes out early and just sleeps in the car awwwwww. hae said that he would start packing his clothes and his bag earlier now, and heech/kang was like "THE COORDI TAKES CARE OF YOUR CLOTHES ANYWAYS!!" lollllllll
for the member who cries the least?
it was min and the fans all yelled sungmin's name haha. he said when he's really happy he just laughs a lot instead of crying
after the couple game they split up into the suju team which was kang, min, hae, shindong, shiwon, heech
and the ELF team which was bum, ryeo, hyukjae, kyu, yesung, and geng
and they played the dondondondon game, which is like the tingtingtangtang name game.
it ended up being shiwon and kibum and shiwon lost so the ELF team won. the losers had to drink the "punishment juice" but min drank a little and no one else drank it, but kang pretended to drink it when he really drank orange juice LOLLL and then shiwon said it was his fault they lost so he just did a oneshot on the rest of it and heech was like "jeeeez he always pretends he's all great and hot when he's the one who made the mistake anyways" LOLOL
they watched a few never before seen videos and pictures after, some fan UCCs, and then the members read their letters~
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[info] fanmeeting summary for SJ Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info] fanmeeting summary for SJ   [info] fanmeeting summary for SJ EmptyFri Mar 14, 2008 8:13 pm

omo... eunhye-ah... is there any videos? i wanna see it?
or pics is ok.. i really wanna see it... cause i cn't stop imagining the slidingphone position of shinhae... crazylaugh
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[info] fanmeeting summary for SJ Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info] fanmeeting summary for SJ   [info] fanmeeting summary for SJ EmptyMon Mar 24, 2008 1:53 pm

yes eunhye do this have a video...
i want to watch it if it have....
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Shining ELF
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[info] fanmeeting summary for SJ Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info] fanmeeting summary for SJ   [info] fanmeeting summary for SJ EmptyMon Apr 14, 2008 7:38 pm

Hahahah.......... laughinghard

Sungmin.......... in love;

Kangmin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.................LOL..... crazylaugh
(i really like kangmin).....

Tnx for posting....hhehe..... smiling
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kim kibum28
Shining ELF
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[info] fanmeeting summary for SJ Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info] fanmeeting summary for SJ   [info] fanmeeting summary for SJ EmptySat Oct 11, 2008 10:19 pm

i wanna watch the video....even though its so Late already....

thanks for sharing!

KIBUM is omg...
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Sunbae ELF
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[info] fanmeeting summary for SJ Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info] fanmeeting summary for SJ   [info] fanmeeting summary for SJ EmptyTue Feb 24, 2009 9:15 pm


oohh...dat might be nice...
gotta check diz out
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Super ELF
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[info] fanmeeting summary for SJ Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info] fanmeeting summary for SJ   [info] fanmeeting summary for SJ EmptyTue Mar 31, 2009 10:54 am

i want to c the vid
pretty please????
it must have been so funny
they always do

thank u for sharing
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[info] fanmeeting summary for SJ Empty
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