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 [vid] Super Junior - ELF Singing Marry U To SuJu

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shin hyun hye
shin hyun hye

Number of posts : 652
Age : 29
Location : Philippines
Hangeul Name : HYUNHYE
Joined. : 2008-04-28

[vid] Super Junior - ELF Singing Marry U To SuJu Empty
PostSubject: [vid] Super Junior - ELF Singing Marry U To SuJu   [vid] Super Junior - ELF Singing Marry U To SuJu EmptyFri Oct 17, 2008 6:26 pm

Ahhh, guys.. I just wanted to share this teary video to all of you..
OMO!! SuJu oppas,, were stopping themselves from crying..
And I've never seen them cry like this before.. I think they're too much happy.
They've gone so far, right??
Ok, here it is. I hope you'll like it..
And if you want to DL it, just PM me, ok??

NOTE: If the video doesn't load.. just click the link below to watch it.
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[vid] Super Junior - ELF Singing Marry U To SuJu

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