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 [Disc]2.25.09 TEUK'S NEW HAIR COLOR~

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Super ELF
Super ELF

Number of posts : 379
Age : 30
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Job/hobbies : playing of intruments,Music,Super Junior music esp. , out wif friends!
Hangeul Name : Song Je hee
Joined. : 2008-07-14

[Disc]2.25.09 TEUK'S NEW HAIR COLOR~ Empty
PostSubject: [Disc]2.25.09 TEUK'S NEW HAIR COLOR~   [Disc]2.25.09 TEUK'S NEW HAIR COLOR~ EmptyThu Feb 26, 2009 12:59 pm

Oppa's are teasing us again!! dead
But I had to show you guys a little glimspe of teukies newer hair color~ smiling
Tuekie shows it to Minho At 0:40.
examining I'm guessing hes in the process of getting it dyed..cuz its a really Bold color..but you can see a little bit of the black he had from yesterday..
*Ah,I feel stalker-ish.. laughinghard *

So ,what do you think about it?

credits :only13suju