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 [TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M

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Number of posts : 54
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Hangeul Name : Park Ae Young (박애영)
Joined. : 2009-02-20

[TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M Empty
PostSubject: [TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M   [TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M EmptySun Mar 01, 2009 10:26 pm

Rayli Magazine Translations
Music Super Junior M Talk Show


Under the same roof
Singing a song of love

Donghae: Because there are many opportunities to come to Beijing, so my impression of Beijing is the strongest. I will work hard to remember every fan’s name as well as what they said, regardless if it’s a phrase, “thank you” etc, I still will work hard to remember.

Ryeowook: I already can’t leave my ipod, because it can listen to music, watch movies, and watch videos on SJM’s participation in shows, its very convenient. Most important would be learning Mandarin, this way I can test my communication gap with more Chinese fans.

Hangeng: If you really want your dreams to come true, then there's only peseverance, not being afraid to rough it out. When meeting difficulties, you must face them bravely, and not escape. When you've cleared this obstacle and you look back, this rough period will become your own precious life experience.

Siwon: In the past 1 year, I gave most of my time to my job, so in the New Year 2009, I wish to do more of things I am interested in, to have more personal time, more of my own space.

Henry: Super Junior M gave me the chance to stand on this stage, many people’s jobs might not be something they are passionate about, so to be able to sing, dance, makes me feel fortunate.

Kyuhyun: Although the members have their own personality, but when our group is together we are very compatible, every member showcases their shining specialty, forming the best Super Junior M.

Zhoumi: I am a person who cannot be tied down, I always enjoy new things. An artiste’s identity has many varieties, being a host, actor, singer etc, I feel that hosting could be just part of my life as an artiste.

-frOm "DOLCE" of ,.

Last edited by michujimiro on Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Global Moderator
Global Moderator

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[TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M Empty
PostSubject: Re: [TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M   [TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M EmptyMon Mar 02, 2009 8:33 am

really hae oppa...
hope u will remember my name
once u get here in d PH
ne hangeng oppa
agree with yah...
just be urself and be strong...
ur very cmpatible...
isnt it kyu oppa..

love suju-m...
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[TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M Empty
PostSubject: Re: [TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M   [TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M EmptyMon Mar 02, 2009 10:43 am

Can U please take this Down?
I am DOLCE From who posted this in the news section
it specifically said do not take out of AF.
Unless you have talked to the translator who u did not even credit Please consult her or take this down.
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[TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M Empty
PostSubject: Re: [TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M   [TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M EmptyWed Mar 04, 2009 9:01 pm

Hae is so sweet! feel so light
I want to meet him soon and I hope I can tell him my name! deadfun
thankies for sharing bow
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[TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M Empty
PostSubject: Re: [TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M   [TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M EmptyFri Mar 06, 2009 3:22 pm

DongHae's message always sweet and warm...made fans gone wild~!! me too~!! xP xP

thnks for sharing this~!!! feel so light
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Shining ELF
Shining ELF

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[TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M Empty
PostSubject: Re: [TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M   [TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M EmptyFri Mar 13, 2009 9:41 pm

Lol, Hae oppa so cute. ;D
Kyuhyun oppa look so cool in th photo. ^^
Thats right, all members are shining. xD
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[TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M Empty
PostSubject: Re: [TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M   [TRANS] Rayli Magazine: Super Junior M EmptyMon Mar 16, 2009 8:36 pm

wew donghae oppa..
u wanna remember the name of the fans?
it's difficult oppa,,
dont u know ELFs r around the world? smiling
hwaiting oppa~ smiling
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