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 Super Juniors @ Girls' Awards 2009 (w/ dbsk + ftisland)

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Sunbae ELF
Sunbae ELF

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Hangeul Name : PARK AE-HYIN [박 애-인]
Joined. : 2008-06-12

Super Juniors @ Girls' Awards 2009  (w/ dbsk + ftisland) Empty
PostSubject: Super Juniors @ Girls' Awards 2009 (w/ dbsk + ftisland)   Super Juniors @ Girls' Awards 2009  (w/ dbsk + ftisland) EmptyWed Mar 25, 2009 3:50 am

DongBangShinki, Super Junior,FT Island, and others participated in the survey for the “Girls’ Awards 2009″

8 members of SNSD and 5 members of Kara appeared as cute teenage
girls to chat on MBC’s Come to Play’s “Girls’ Special”, set to air on
March 23th.
MBC’s Come to Play announced at the start that the highlight of the
“Girls’ Special” airing would be the “Girls’ Awards 2009″, explaining
that the 13 girls would be judged based on five major criteria such as
“The girl that is the easiest to handle”, “The most strong-willed girl”
and “The girl that worries me the most”. The judge panel consisted of
45 members from 7 of Korea’s representative male idol groups such as
Tohoshinki, SS501,Super Junior
Big Bang, FT Island, SHINee and 2PM. The male idols would present their
opinions directly through a survey, and they demonstrated the great
enthusiasm they had by having the survey forms sent to Japan for
Tohoshinki and America for 2PM.
In order to validate and prove the girls in each of the
abovementioned criterion, the back-stories to each group as well as
never-seen-before killer individual talents were revealed. After the
winners were announced, the male idols would then reveal the reasons
for their choice with the girls being visibly nervous in the background.
“Come to Play”, featuring no end of cute girl talk from SNSD and
Kara as well as the surveys filled in by many male idols, is set to air
on the 23th at 11.05pm.
Credits: Innolife & Digital YTN & Joynews24 & inews24
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Super Juniors @ Girls' Awards 2009  (w/ dbsk + ftisland) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Juniors @ Girls' Awards 2009 (w/ dbsk + ftisland)   Super Juniors @ Girls' Awards 2009  (w/ dbsk + ftisland) EmptyWed Mar 25, 2009 11:08 am

Woah cool!!! Gonna see this one,CTP is always fun~ amazed
But why only 8 SNSD? noidea
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Hangeul Name : 강혜석 [Kang Hye Seok] ^__^
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Super Juniors @ Girls' Awards 2009  (w/ dbsk + ftisland) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Juniors @ Girls' Awards 2009 (w/ dbsk + ftisland)   Super Juniors @ Girls' Awards 2009  (w/ dbsk + ftisland) EmptySun Mar 29, 2009 5:03 am

CTP special show? CTP quite interesting to watch...
hope soshisub team will sub this...

gotta go and search for the video~!!

thnks for sharing~!!
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Super Juniors @ Girls' Awards 2009  (w/ dbsk + ftisland) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Juniors @ Girls' Awards 2009 (w/ dbsk + ftisland)   Super Juniors @ Girls' Awards 2009  (w/ dbsk + ftisland) EmptySun Apr 05, 2009 9:44 pm

waaaa.. wanna watch this..
wow,, so happy can see oppa in every korean TV..
they began to busy again..
fighting oppa!!
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Super Juniors @ Girls' Awards 2009  (w/ dbsk + ftisland) Empty
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