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 [info] [090511/SJ] < It's you> avalaible on online stores

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[info] [090511/SJ] < It's you> avalaible on online stores Empty
PostSubject: [info] [090511/SJ] < It's you> avalaible on online stores   [info] [090511/SJ] < It's you> avalaible on online stores EmptyMon May 11, 2009 3:45 pm

[info] [090511/SJ] < It's you> avalaible on online stores Verc
(^ 기범 온 탑)

Starting from today may 11th, <너라고 It's you> the new song by super junior, hs been released on varion korean online stores as Mnet, Melon, Bugs, and also Cyworld etc.
For most of the foreign fans, only cyworld and mnet might work with you if you want to download the song, I know for once that you need a Korean ID card to join Melon and Bugs. (It's not yet on cyworld though)

Melon, [It's You] page

Mnet, [It's You] page

Cyworld, [It's You] Page

Bugs, [It's You] Page

credits to :


너라고 has been in No.3 in Cyworld Chart within 2 hours after released^^
and now, it has bee No.1 [2009.05.11, 14:00] smiling
chukha haeyo oppa^^

Last edited by minreichan on Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[info] [090511/SJ] < It's you> avalaible on online stores Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info] [090511/SJ] < It's you> avalaible on online stores   [info] [090511/SJ] < It's you> avalaible on online stores EmptyMon May 11, 2009 4:43 pm

^^ this song has been leaked with mv teasers so most of the fans heard this song including me, and when we find out that it was leaked we tried to clear the mess. This song was every where, and we tried really hard to stop the leak, but some youtube users just didn't listened and it's there now i am happy that it's finally released.This song is so hot and i think it's better then sorry sorry cause almost every one is in this song except of i think Hannie oppa and Bunmmie maybe i am mistaken.Now i can listen to this song again sine i stopped listening cause of leaked. thanks for sharing.
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[info] [090511/SJ] < It's you> avalaible on online stores Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info] [090511/SJ] < It's you> avalaible on online stores   [info] [090511/SJ] < It's you> avalaible on online stores EmptyMon May 11, 2009 10:49 pm

Wah already no.1?! Thats fast!! Chukahaeyeo oppa!! so good!
Suju's really amazing~ anyway thx 4 sharing ne! Hope they'll stay at no.1 for a long time =p
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Shining ELF

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[info] [090511/SJ] < It's you> avalaible on online stores Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info] [090511/SJ] < It's you> avalaible on online stores   [info] [090511/SJ] < It's you> avalaible on online stores EmptyMon May 11, 2009 11:43 pm

wahhh~~~so fast huh~~~
kyaaa~~~~~~~~~~Oppa are the bez!!!!!! expresslove
kyaa~~wanna hear that song then!!haha
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[info] [090511/SJ] < It's you> avalaible on online stores Empty
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