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 [NEWS] [090506/Kangin] Kang Yoomi "Super Junior's fans still forgave me although I hugged Kangin"

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Number of posts : 1877
Age : 33
Location : 인도네시아
Job/hobbies : 고등학교 학생
Hangeul Name : Kim Ha Won 김하원
Joined. : 2008-05-24

[NEWS] [090506/Kangin] Kang Yoomi "Super Junior's fans still forgave me although I hugged Kangin" Empty
PostSubject: [NEWS] [090506/Kangin] Kang Yoomi "Super Junior's fans still forgave me although I hugged Kangin"   [NEWS] [090506/Kangin] Kang Yoomi "Super Junior's fans still forgave me although I hugged Kangin" EmptyMon May 11, 2009 4:44 pm

The gagwoman Kang Yoomi has talked about her hug incident with Kangin on KBS2TV "Sangsang plus" which was aired on May 5th.

Kang Yoomi said back then on 2007 Mnet 20's choice award, Kangin was the announcer of "Miss comedy award" which the winner was her. She was very happy then so when accepting the award on the stage, she had hugged Kangin. On that day, the video of her hugging Kangin was posted to internet with the title "Kang Yoomi unnie hugged our oppa clip". She said she feel very scared because there were many comments below the video, but after she read them, it turned out that the fan wrote like "Yoomi unnie, I fogive unnie", "Unnie is very cute". Therefore, it made the whole studio burst out laughing.

original article is here

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[NEWS] [090506/Kangin] Kang Yoomi "Super Junior's fans still forgave me although I hugged Kangin"

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