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 It\'s you Official mv

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Number of posts : 103
Age : 37
Location : Heechul's world
Joined. : 2009-02-04

It\'s you Official mv Empty
PostSubject: It's you Official mv   It\'s you Official mv EmptyTue May 12, 2009 4:52 pm

The one i posted was not official. The one i am going to post is official feel so light .
This video is awsome.
Honestly i like this song and video better then Sorry sorry whistling .
They r all looking hot as ever expresslove expresslove .
OMG Heenim high note is so hot lol fluttering . I love what he is wearing and OMG he is on bike hehehe cool wiggle. his hair style is just so amazing he looks so handsome in love; in love; in love; heenim is so hot expresslove expresslove expresslove . Kibummie sad expresions it's perfect he is really handsome and hot blushing blushing . Bummie miss u so much. Hannie oppa and Siwonnie oppa looks handsome as always.
The original mv killed F4 start anyways they r still there whistling .
Hyukie and Shindong oppa got lines so cool whistling
I really like this song except that Bummie is not singing with them hmph
I really don't like Minnie oppa pant makingfun.I love his hair style,but i never knew it's going to be that bouncy lol.kangTeuk oppa r so cool OMG i love them blushing blushing. yesung oppa wookie and Khyunie r so cute blushing blushing. Donghae,Shindong,Eunhyukie and Minnie oppa r so amazing they r so cute blushing blushing.
OMG my post is so long. I am going to wright it don't be mad. makingfun makingfun
Enjoy and have fun. U guys r always welcome.

Here is the link: