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 [NEWS] Super Junior shows off their new package

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[NEWS] Super Junior shows off their new package Empty
PostSubject: [NEWS] Super Junior shows off their new package   [NEWS] Super Junior shows off their new package EmptyThu May 14, 2009 1:51 am

[NEWS] Super Junior shows off their new package The_3r10

Repackage that is.

Overcrowded boy band Super Junior will go on to promote their new single, “It’s You” off their repackaged album, which will be released on May 17th. The teaser for the music video was leaked, but the ELFs (Super Junior fans) went crazy and managed to wipe its existence off the internet before it became virally unstoppable.

This is new. I have ever heard of fans single-handedly stopping the effect of the internet so I got to give props to the ELFs for being extremely resourceful and quick no matter how rabid they can be.

What they couldn’t stop, however, were pictures compiling close-ups of all the members (YES even Ki-bum) and scenes of the SuJu boys looking very anguished from the music video. It sounds like yet another song that does not feature each member, opting for the ones that can actually sing. Looks as if the lives, like for “Sorry Sorry,” only about 6 members will actually sing and the other will act as background dancers.

[NEWS] Super Junior shows off their new package Superj10 [NEWS] Super Junior shows off their new package Superj12

Have a listen and prepare yourself for SuJu madness to continue.