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 [NEWS] [090514] Super Junior ShinDong gets into a minor car accident

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[NEWS] [090514] Super Junior ShinDong gets into a minor car accident Empty
PostSubject: [NEWS] [090514] Super Junior ShinDong gets into a minor car accident   [NEWS] [090514] Super Junior ShinDong gets into a minor car accident EmptySun May 17, 2009 3:48 pm

[NEWS] [090514] Super Junior ShinDong gets into a minor car accident Vikya110

Super Junior ShinDong driving in his van in Seoul SongPaGoo in front of Pearl Apartment when his van collided with a bicycle on the morning of 14th May at 2.35am.

The side mirror to ShinDong’s car was damaged while the cyclist’s wrist was injured. According to the police, the cyclist may have been drunk during the time of accident.

It is said that ShinDong was in shock, and after the accident he went to the police station and left his statements.

A-sshi (the cyclist) was brought to the hospital after the accident to get the treatment

Police are investigating, it might be that A-sshi was driving in drunk so he/she was in the wrong traffic line and got into the accident

Shindong said he was on his way to come back to the dorm after his radio show when the accident happened and it's fortunately that both two of them werent seriously hurt.


Last edited by minreichan on Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[NEWS] [090514] Super Junior ShinDong gets into a minor car accident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS] [090514] Super Junior ShinDong gets into a minor car accident   [NEWS] [090514] Super Junior ShinDong gets into a minor car accident EmptySun May 17, 2009 5:31 pm

Good thing it was a small accident only
Hope the cyclist will recover fast ne ^^
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Shining ELF
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[NEWS] [090514] Super Junior ShinDong gets into a minor car accident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS] [090514] Super Junior ShinDong gets into a minor car accident   [NEWS] [090514] Super Junior ShinDong gets into a minor car accident EmptySun May 17, 2009 8:56 pm

ne!!good thing then!!!
fuh~~Shindong oppa take care ne!hehe
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[NEWS] [090514] Super Junior ShinDong gets into a minor car accident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS] [090514] Super Junior ShinDong gets into a minor car accident   [NEWS] [090514] Super Junior ShinDong gets into a minor car accident EmptyMon May 18, 2009 10:45 am

good that was something small...
and that's pretty bad... the cyclist shouldn't have drunk before drive...
but luckylly.. shindong didn't out injured & the cyclist with a minor wrist injury.
recover soon. (:
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Super ELF
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[NEWS] [090514] Super Junior ShinDong gets into a minor car accident Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS] [090514] Super Junior ShinDong gets into a minor car accident   [NEWS] [090514] Super Junior ShinDong gets into a minor car accident EmptyThu May 21, 2009 12:09 pm

thank goodness that it was only a minor accident
hope the cyclist will get better soon

thanks for sharing
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[NEWS] [090514] Super Junior ShinDong gets into a minor car accident Empty
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[NEWS] [090514] Super Junior ShinDong gets into a minor car accident

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