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 [news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk feeling down and out?

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unnie mae
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[news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk  feeling down and out? Empty
PostSubject: [news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk feeling down and out?   [news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk  feeling down and out? EmptyFri Jun 12, 2009 10:47 am

[news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk  feeling down and out? Leeteuk1_-20090610_seoulbeats

I have read this today and decided to share it with everyone...
I Just hope Teukie is just having a bad day when he wrote this...
Coz if he is this disheartened over things, I am worried and sorry for him...
Teukie... My birthday came up and I felt love,
On your coming birthday, may you feel love and hope it warms your heart!


Fans of Super Junior member Leeteuk are growing concerned by some recent entries posted on his Cyworld,
which may be hinting that all isn’t well in special Suju land.

…Dormitory, hair salon, TV station..
…Dormitory, hair salon, TV station..
…Dormitory, hair salon, TV station..
…Dormitory, hair salon, TV station..
…Dormitory, hair salon, TV station..
…Dormitory, hair salon, TV station..
…Dormitory, hair salon, TV station..

..No longer know what hobbies are..No longer know what rest is..Where are all my friends?
..How you are supposed to play….(My) family members are probably living well, right?
..At some point, losing something while gaining another has become increasingly natural..
..But because I received these other things..the things I’ll have to throw away from now on will increase..
..On rainy days like these..I have more thoughts..

I am Leeteuk, an angel who lost his wings..
..I am Teukie Teukie Leeteuk, an angel who lost his wings with amnesia..
..On the day I was born, July 1st, rain fell..
..One angel was sent down to Earth..
..The greetings that I never failed to say..
..Just like how I unknowingly encircled myself in ourselves.. *
..But I would rather just remain confined..
..Because now, it’s scary for me to go out..


you can read the whole article at seoulbeats
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[news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk  feeling down and out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk feeling down and out?   [news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk  feeling down and out? EmptyFri Jun 12, 2009 12:38 pm

teukie waeyo ?! shocked
i guess he is too tired for everything around..
i really worry now !
have a rest oppa !
cheer up..
go home and meet ur family !
i love you and will always gonna support no matter what u wanna do as long the things could make u happy ne ? pointing
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Shining ELF
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[news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk  feeling down and out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk feeling down and out?   [news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk  feeling down and out? EmptyFri Jun 12, 2009 5:16 pm


im rily rily wory now..
u sound soo tired.
go get a rest,quickly!!

we oweyz support u oppa!!
dun mke us wory,ne!!
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[news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk  feeling down and out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk feeling down and out?   [news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk  feeling down and out? EmptyFri Jun 12, 2009 8:49 pm

oppa~~what happend to u?? dead
u look so tired.......aigoo~~
u need some rest u know???
i think i need to make him happy again... makingfun
dun worry oppa~
with me n the rest,we will make u happy n never gonna be tired anymore..
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[news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk  feeling down and out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk feeling down and out?   [news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk  feeling down and out? EmptyFri Jun 12, 2009 9:03 pm

how r u?
r u okay...
hope ur okay...
just be happy and take some rest
wer here to support u...
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[news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk  feeling down and out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk feeling down and out?   [news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk  feeling down and out? EmptyFri Jun 12, 2009 11:20 pm

what's wrong with him...???
did he miss me beause i am not here for previous 3month...???

yah! Teukie Hyung! I know u don't have someone to take care of... but don't be sad...
SJ 3rd album is a BIG HIT!!!...

No matter what, we all ELF will still support u!!
Don't EVER lost your Wings... because you are always the AngelTeuk in my life..!!!
What's the matter Hyung!!!??
Amnesia??? Wae gure jjinjja??!!!!

Don't make me worried, Hyung!!!!!! Jebal!! BE happy! .....!?...

Your happiness, my happiness...
Your sadness, My sadness....

Jebal, Haengbokhae jyo!!! If I am next to you, I'll comfort you no matter what...... as a sister-in-law(Hyukkie's wifey :p)

I am still curious of your feelings Hyung!! Don't keep it!! Let your problems out! Araseo!!?
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[news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk  feeling down and out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk feeling down and out?   [news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk  feeling down and out? EmptySun Jun 14, 2009 2:26 pm

It really does sounds depressing, maybe he just had a bad day.
Or so I hope ><''
AAnyway thx for sharing omma, just hope he'll somehow be happy again :)
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[news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk  feeling down and out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk feeling down and out?   [news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk  feeling down and out? EmptyMon Jun 15, 2009 9:55 am

teukiie oppa.. don't feel like that..
I know is not the same... but, all your efford gives a LOT OF SMILES! (:
so.. you should smile oppa.. to life and everyone...
is hard, everyone knows.. even you who is suffering...
but we'll try to make you feel better. (:
and you'll come back to do ur own stuffs... okiie oppa? (:
don't feel bad! smiling
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Shining ELF
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[news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk  feeling down and out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk feeling down and out?   [news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk  feeling down and out? EmptyWed Jun 24, 2009 9:15 am

what's the matter with Teukie~
he doesn't seem to be happy, why~~

he makes everyone happy, but deep inside himself, he's not..
feel sorry for him...but no...i don't want to..
hope he'll be fine all the way.
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[news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk  feeling down and out? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk feeling down and out?   [news] Super Junior member LeeTeuk  feeling down and out? EmptyMon Jun 29, 2009 12:28 pm

oh no..
i kind of finally realised they r human too
they need their own space sometimes
but i'm so selfish b4 n hope that they always appears in tv shows..
hope that their company will giv some time for our boys to chills n get back to their family
say...1 month that enough oppa??
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