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 [NEWS] “I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts”

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Global Moderator
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[NEWS] “I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts” Empty
PostSubject: [NEWS] “I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts”   [NEWS] “I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts” EmptyTue Jul 14, 2009 11:17 am

[NEWS] “I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts” Qlb2tp4owrtqr3zy9a6q
T/N : The “I” here is the reporter

This article is about Kangin, Leeteuk, Eunhyuk attended a music performance hold by Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency on June 24th. The Seoul Police Agency choose 129 pupils from primary schools and junior high schools in Seoul, Kyungki, Incheon who have love and talent in singing/playing instruments but dont have chance/enough money to learn & teach them to play instrumental and make a wind orchestra.

The performance was started at 3.30PM but 3 members of Super Junior had arrived at 3.00PM, spent 10 minutes to talk with the kids about music.

I explained to them the purpose of this event, that there are many kids who love playing instrumentals but they cant study because there are so many expensive instrumentals, so we give the kids the instrumentals and the lesson until they can play them. Member Kangin said “It’s really a good thing. Actually, when I was young, when I saw someone playing the instrumental, I found it cool and also wanted to learn how to play, so I asked my parents but since instrumental is expensive, I couldnt learn. I hope there will be more and more kids have the chance to learn how to play them”

So I told them that those who teach the kids music are Police’s music band’s members and they’re very good in music which Leeteuk had smiled brightly and said it was good that the kid could learn music from the professional teachers and it was wonderful that the Police did this kind of thing.

Actually, I had thought before meeting Super Junior that they are all famous idol in Korea, they always attended large events, so they might feel annoyed when attending this. But after watching them the whole event, they were all bright and seemed to be very happy that they could attend an event for the kids.

After they came up to the stage, Kangin said “How do you think about music ? To me, music is the best prescription for those who is hurt/in sorrow, I think it will bring the energy to you. You guys have to learn how to play instrumental more hard, so that you can perform for your friends who are in more difficult status than you. We’ll look forward to your great perfomances. You also may become our friends. Is it OK ?” and all the kids had shouted in joy.

I know celebrities who attended the charity event or donated a lot but dont think they have enough time to especially think about the kids’ hope and dream like this time. But after seeing Super Junior, I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts. I hope to see more of their great activities in the future.

original article is here
translated by


oppa~why u r so sweet??
omo...i felt very touch with their kindness... tearsofjoy
that's our SJ!!
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Shining ELF
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[NEWS] “I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts” Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS] “I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts”   [NEWS] “I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts” EmptyTue Jul 14, 2009 12:09 pm

Quote :
who have love and talent in singing/playing instruments but dont have chance/enough money to learn
ahhh~~dat'z t0tally me..!!^^ dead
ahh~~I really wanna learn playing instruments..but~~ohh
I h0pe s0meday I can learn it..!!^^ praying
gege~~SJ oppa teach them ne..??oppa..teach me too then..kekeke*kidding*

Quote :
I know celebrities who attended the charity event or donated a lot but dont think they have enough time to especially think about the kids� hope and dream like this time. But after seeing Super Junior, I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts. I hope to see more of their great activities in the future.
btw..gagaaa~~our SJ so sweet ne..!!gahh~~ puppyeyes
SJ oppa is jjang as ever..!!^^
ne!ne!That's our SJ..!!

thenx 4 sharing it unnie!!^^

hahahahha~~~ laughinghard mianh
ne!ne!wr0ng html c0de...f0g0t...huhuhu leftout
gahhh~~thenx 4 da remind~~~hahahaaa

Last edited by ^yueun_fishie^ on Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:40 pm; edited 2 times in total
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[NEWS] “I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts” Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS] “I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts”   [NEWS] “I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts” EmptyWed Jul 15, 2009 10:19 am

YuEun-ah, I think you used thw wrong html codes ^^;;;
One of a kind idol, SJ is. They're special because they're passionate in anything they do, and I'm sure of that feel so good
Thx for sharing unnie~
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[NEWS] “I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts” Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS] “I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts”   [NEWS] “I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts” EmptyThu Jul 16, 2009 12:41 am

these boys are adorable ~
they're making every kid dreams...
and as Kangin said.. is always better to DO YOUR BEST.
no matter wot. (:
thanks for share ~
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Shining ELF
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[NEWS] “I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts” Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS] “I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts”   [NEWS] “I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts” EmptyFri Jul 17, 2009 2:48 am

awwwwwwww how sweeeet~~~~

ahhhhhhh!! they are really soulful people =]

makes me proud to be an E.L.F!
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[NEWS] “I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts” Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS] “I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts”   [NEWS] “I was touched by the words from the bottom of their hearts” EmptyFri Jul 17, 2009 7:32 pm


i rily love to learn instrument,

bcoz i dont have d talent to sing..

but, i only learn to play flute..


i wanna learn guitar....

just lyk donghae oppa..

and piano
lyk leeteuk oppa,,..

in love;
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