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 [NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf.

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[NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf. Empty
PostSubject: [NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf.   [NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf. EmptySun Jul 19, 2009 11:50 am

Quote :
- Donghae's solo on Super show 2 is a song called "Beautiful", Donghae himself composed the music and also wrote the lyric for the song. Kangin said that even when Donghae worked on the song, he didnt let the other members hear it so yesterday rehearsal when they could listen to the song, they felt that it is a good song

- Heechul's solo is a song called "혼" (Soul/Spirit), The TRAX's Jungmo composed the song's music and Heechul wrote the lyric

- Leeteuk said this time, they want to show a mature concept so that's why Wook got a sexy performance. Wook said he just did the ballad song but the other members said to him "It'll be good too if you do a dance song" which Shindong said he's already done the perfomance and Eunhyuk said although they dont force him, Ryeowook himself will do that however.

- They said that "Gee" performance is all Heechul's idea which Heechul said they had showed the cool image in the SS1, now they want to show a funny image. Heechul said because of this perfomance, he had joined SNSD's Jessica's fancafe but he had been banned because he didnt follow what the level up form said. Kangin said all the members had to go for an audition in front of Heechul if they want to take part in the perf in which Shindong had been dropped out. Yesung asked Heechul why he was rejected which Kangin said that it's because his busy schedule ^^. Heechul said he himself had asked every members of SNSD "What is the point of your part of the performance ?"

- Leeteuk said they planned to have 15 concerts this time and they'll come to Thailand, Japan, Hongkong, Taiwan, well. Shindong also said they might perform song in that country's native lagunage when they come to there

- Leeteuk said they might come back next year

translated by
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ im 100% happy bout this article....just because there's MALAYSIA in there... fooling smiling crazylaugh
hoping it to be true....
come oppa come~~ come here..
i will do anything to go to SSII....XD
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Shining ELF
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[NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf. Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf.   [NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf. EmptySun Jul 19, 2009 12:34 pm

come oppa come here..!!^^flipping hair hahaha
buT...I hoPe I can go~~huhuhu

waaa~~Hae oppa c0mp0sed and wr0te himself~~
btw..thenx 4 sharing unni!~
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[NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf. Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf.   [NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf. EmptySun Jul 19, 2009 1:03 pm

donghae is sweet.. everywhere you see it. (:
so.. off course the song was cute cute. (:
ohh Hee, you are a SNSD honorary & also WG, there's nothing you don't know! ;D
hehehehe. wokiiie.. uiiii! :p
and the take off pants..
SSII is TOTALLY awesome... can't wait for more. buddy
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[NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf. Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf.   [NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf. EmptySun Jul 19, 2009 2:20 pm

i feel sooooooooo happy feel so light
hope i can attend it then insultlaugh
plsssssss.. next yr okie ?! ahhh uhhh ehhh

Kangin said all the members had to go for an audition in front of Heechul if they want to take part in the perf in which Shindong had been dropped out. Yesung asked Heechul why he was rejected which Kangin said that it's because his busy schedule ^^.

my godness..
my husband....!
yah can i participate too ?
hihi i'll choose tiffany ^^ cuz tiffany is jessy's gf instead u are jessica sneeking out
PERFECT isnt it ? so good!

and this one rlly attract me..

Shindong also said they might perform song in that country's native lagunage when they come to there

are u serious shindong oppa ?!
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Super ELF
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[NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf. Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf.   [NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf. EmptySun Jul 19, 2009 4:13 pm

Hahah! heechul held auditions just to perform Gee!?!?! laughinghard
Ah, I saw a fancam of Wookies is sexy !amazed makingfun
Aww~ donghae wrote and composed the song~ so cool blushing OH ! " they'll come to Thailand, Japan, Hongkong, Taiwan, Malaysia as well !" Lucky Duckys~
I wish I could go to the concert, But I live far away, too FAR away..and also School is starting soon- depressed
So I'll Must wait for the DVD!! pointing

Super junior Fighting!!
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Global Moderator
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[NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf. Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf.   [NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf. EmptySun Jul 19, 2009 10:42 pm

feel so light feel so light feel so light feel so light feel so light feel so light

I am EXTREMELY happy!!!
They'll come to Malaysia!!!
Oppa!! gidarilke!!!!! Huhu

I am extremely excited!!
Hopefully they really come...
not like before they cancel the Malaysia concert...
Oh God! Please help!!
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[NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf. Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf.   [NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf. EmptySun Jul 19, 2009 10:49 pm

poor me...
i wanna go there
but i cant...

i wanna c my cinderella
singing solO
uhm...he's d one who wrote dat lyrics???
ahaha, coOl

gudluck guys...
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[NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf. Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf.   [NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf. EmptySun Jul 19, 2009 11:05 pm

Haha cool Heechul-sshi ok
Malaysia's in there?! Thats awesome, wishing I could go which is around only 10% of winning with my father. So yeah no luck at that I guess ^^;;;
Anyway thx for sharing!
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Little Miss D
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[NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf. Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf.   [NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf. EmptySun Jul 19, 2009 11:24 pm

Waaaai maybe I'll go to Malaysia to watch them.... hihi :3
Mine and Malaysia language are almost the same anyway :D
I wish I have some time ><
Thanks for share onnie ^^

Um, can I ask?
Does anyone know the schedule of Super Show II in Malaysia?
Pls PM me. Thx. :3
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Super ELF
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[NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf. Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf.   [NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf. EmptyMon Jul 20, 2009 12:56 pm

they r coming to malaysia for the show?
that is super duper cool
anyway, i can't wait to listen to the solos
bet all of them are good
and the gee performance
must be really funny and adorable
thanks for sharing
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[NEWS]Article about SS2's press conference, some important things the boys said in the press conf.

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