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 [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13'

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[NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' Empty
PostSubject: [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13'   [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' EmptyThu Jul 23, 2009 7:31 pm

Ok, so you guys know about Teuki telling ELFs to say ‘we will protect suju’ instead of saying ‘we will protect 13 members’ right. I watched the fancam and didnt understand a thing Teuki said except to say ‘ protect suju’ and something about zhoumi and henry here’s what happened……

From Alice @
So after Marry U, Leeteuk said that ELF should stop singing “we will protect 13 members” but sing “we will protect super junior” instead. But at first ELF continued singing ‘we will protect 13 members’
then Heechul started chanting “we will protect super junior we will protect super junior”
Jungsoo explained that it should stop because the members are very unhappy too as they feel bad for henry and zhoumi.

Henry is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!!!! 지켜줄께 Super Junior! I follow everything teuki says so i have no problem singing that now. ^^

♣Please dont leave any comments discussing the ‘only13′ issue here! We dont need you to explain/share your opinions about this issue, im just posting this as something to share as it is important for all ELFs to know that Teuki said this. ^^


kepp on supporting 15 boys....all of them including henry n zhoumi are one of SJ now so we must protect all 15 boys!!!
i will protect this boys!! tearsofjoy
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[NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13'   [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' EmptyThu Jul 23, 2009 9:48 pm

well its obvious !
it's NOT actually about Henry n Zhoumi but this case is more to Kibum on my sight..
suju had nothing to do with Henry n Zhoumi.. they just particiapte sj-M, not Super Junior..
but it's okay.. i can accept it now.. no longer 13..
it's 14 at this moment.
SJ12 + 2
awww it's saddening..
PS: dun bash me! i mean at this moment.
excluding the time coming forward rite ? rite ? :P
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Super ELF
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[NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13'   [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 1:59 am

I will support u Teukie! bravery
I personally have no problem with Henry or Zhoumi in Suju.
I think they are really cute and talented. wiggle
I accept this now and go wit da flow.dancing_03 So "we will protect Super Junior!" expresslove
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Shining ELF
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[NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13'   [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 11:15 am

ne~~I will SuJU oppa no matter wht~~
but please Kibum oppa~~
c0meback~~plizzzz~~ dumped

ne!I have no problem wit Zhoumi and Henry~~
but..Kibum oppa!!!
pleasee comeback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we need u oppa!!!^^

we will pr0tect suju oF c0z~
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[NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13'   [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' EmptyFri Jul 24, 2009 11:23 am

Its still going on huh? Why cant they just accpet the fact that both Henry and Zhoumi are SJ Family too?
If Leeteuk-sshi's telling ELFs to sing it, I think they should comply with him .....!?...
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[NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13'   [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' EmptySat Jul 25, 2009 1:43 am

mianhae teuki hyung...
i just can't say stop saying 13 for u guys....

The moment i know u, the moment i fall for super junior.. i remeber it and treasure it as 13...
only 13...
it's not that i didnt accept zhoumi and henry...
it's just that.. i don't want my memories of 13 with u dissappear just like that...
Super Junior will never be Super Junior if it wasn;t 13 in number...

I am sorry.. Mianhae Teukie Hyung.... I will try my best to stop saying 13.. bu not that fast and that sudden!
My memories for Super Junior is 13.... and Only13!
Uwaaaaaaaa... I miss the old days where they all perform live in the stage ALL 13!!!! depressed
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erica love ``
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[NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13'   [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' EmptySat Jul 25, 2009 7:05 am

I support Super Junior!
It's what I've been chanting all along.

Leader isn't necessarily saying that Zhou Mi and Henry (<3) are part of Super Junior.
ELF do need to recognize that they are part of Super Junior's activities
and chanting to protect and keep them from getting too close to the family is hurtful and mean!

Whether it's 13, 14 or 15 -- that doesn't matter.
I just want all of them whom we've grown close to and loved to stay together! >___<;;
C'mon Kibum oppa!

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Loving k-pop
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[NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13'   [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' EmptySat Jul 25, 2009 12:09 pm

i don't really mind them... hehe
yeah, they are both talented and good-looking (i think) =P
Well, As long super junior is together!! feel so light
SUJU forever!!
and and... haven't seen kibum oppa recently!!! T.T
i hope he is not leaving..!! :╥o╥
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[NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13'   [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' EmptyMon Jul 27, 2009 6:24 pm

i never had an issue with Henry and Zhou Mi
in fact... i love both of them!

Henry's really cute and talented with the violin
and Zhou Mi's singing is awesome!

there's no reason why people should hate the both of them =]
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[NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13'   [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' EmptyTue Jul 28, 2009 12:14 pm

Loving k-pop wrote:

and and... haven't seen kibum oppa recently!!! T.T
i hope he is not leaving..!! :╥o╥

:╥o╥ me tooo...havent seen him for a very ..very long time..
first it was said that his mum had health problem, then said he injured his leg, other source said he want to focus on his acting career.. hmph
i dont know..but i hope he can still join super show for the rest of the concert
i dont want any suju member to leaave the group because for me, if one of them decides to go solo or whatever, the risk of being disbanded is very very high..i'm sure everyone knows that

super junior hwaiting.. smiling
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[NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13'   [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' EmptyTue Jul 28, 2009 7:08 pm



mianhe dead

im really 'sorry,sorry'

i just cant take it speechless

cant accept d idea yaaahh


no NO

its a big taboo 4 me... emoting

4 me...super junior is olweiz 13

and thatz that

sorry, i refuse to accept your little proposal
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[NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13'   [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' EmptyWed Jul 29, 2009 10:56 am

lol... i super duper LOVE henry and zhoumi.. i have nothin against them..
they are so welcome to SUPERJUNI-OR13... hahaha

oppa, singing "we will protect super junior" won't be no prob~
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[NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13'   [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' EmptyWed Jul 29, 2009 3:10 pm

it keeps going as I see...
why so much big deal with miimii and mochiii..
they're part of SJ, I bet that those fans looove SJ-M
well, for your info they're part of it and SJ as well.
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Super ELF
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[NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13'   [NEWS]No more ‘We will protect 13' EmptyMon Aug 03, 2009 1:15 pm

i had always accepted the fact that suju is 13+5
but in my mind suju is 13 in korea and other countries as well
except in china where sj-m is active
but does this have anything to do with kibum?
i don't mind the addition
but the loss of a member is heart wrenching
especially when the one who got away is the original members i knew for the first time
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