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 [news] SJ’s Heechul expresses thanks to his members

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Super ELF
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[news] SJ’s Heechul expresses thanks to his members Empty
PostSubject: [news] SJ’s Heechul expresses thanks to his members   [news] SJ’s Heechul expresses thanks to his members EmptyThu Aug 27, 2009 11:26 am

[news] SJ’s Heechul expresses thanks to his members Pc5i

Super Junior’s Kim Heechul expressed his gratitude towards his members during the press conference for SBS’s weekend drama serial held in Seoul on the 26th and said, “Before the press conference, I almost cried after reading a text message from my dongsaengs which said ‘Do your job well and come back’”.

Heechul said, “This is my first time appearing on stage as an actor after Super Junior’s activities, and I have come to realise that there are many areas in which I feel apologetic for. My involvement in the filming of a drama serial has caused the members the need to re-choreograph dances, and it looks tough on them to have to keep practicing till late at night. I am very sorry.” He also added, “I went out to play with my dongsaengs not too long ago, and I told them that I was going to act in a show. I didn’t say that without thinking about Super Junior, but told them while feeling very apologetic. In the past, I introduced myself using ‘I am Kim Heechul’, but recently, I would always say ‘I am Super Junior’s Kim Heechul’.”

Additionally, Kim Heechul “had a meal with U-Know Yunho and Lee Hongki, and while eating, talked about, ‘If I, as a singer, am unable to act well, my pride will be hurt and it is very embarrassing if I don’t receive words of recognition such as ‘well done’.’ I want to let the audience see that I took on the role in the drama with enthusiasm and passion.”

Heechul also commented, “I feel very blessed to have been given such a good opportunity. So as to not tarnish Super Junior’s reputation, I am working hard.”

In , Heechul plays a cheerful yet mischievious character who matured and became sensible after studying abroad. The drama serial reflects several problems in society and will make its first broadcast on 29 August, at 8.50pm.

Sr: Newsen
Cr: 白色 @, 希蓝猫 @ 旮旯屯 ( + sup3rjunior
Translated by yurim_sj♥ @
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[news] SJ’s Heechul expresses thanks to his members Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] SJ’s Heechul expresses thanks to his members   [news] SJ’s Heechul expresses thanks to his members EmptyFri Aug 28, 2009 10:15 am

this to say.. is DUPER CUTE. :}
hee ~ we know.. you ALWAYS be Super Junior's Kim Heechul. blushing
the person.. who we always love...
the rest of SJ members know about it..
and they'll work hard.. as you doo!
BEST WISHES!! so good!
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Shining ELF
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[news] SJ’s Heechul expresses thanks to his members Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] SJ’s Heechul expresses thanks to his members   [news] SJ’s Heechul expresses thanks to his members EmptyFri Aug 28, 2009 1:01 pm

so sweeet
aaa~~heechullie oppa~~

good luck in your drama!!!

heechul really changed since they debuted to now~
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[news] SJ’s Heechul expresses thanks to his members Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] SJ’s Heechul expresses thanks to his members   [news] SJ’s Heechul expresses thanks to his members EmptyFri Aug 28, 2009 2:31 pm

haha.. yeah yeah..
goodluck heechul ^^
do ur best..
yes we all know u always attempts the best but pls, DO UR BEST ^^
goodluck and come back soon (;
hwaiting bravery
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Super ELF
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[news] SJ’s Heechul expresses thanks to his members Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] SJ’s Heechul expresses thanks to his members   [news] SJ’s Heechul expresses thanks to his members EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 1:35 pm

i think it is such a rare occasion that heechul actually expressed his gratitude and not making fun while he was doing it
i guess, he must have felt really grateful to the members
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