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 [info] Kim HeeChul, “UKnow YunHo lives like his drama character now”

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Super ELF
Super ELF

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[info] Kim HeeChul, “UKnow YunHo lives like his drama character now” Empty
PostSubject: [info] Kim HeeChul, “UKnow YunHo lives like his drama character now”   [info] Kim HeeChul, “UKnow YunHo lives like his drama character now” EmptyThu Aug 27, 2009 11:27 am

[info] Kim HeeChul, “UKnow YunHo lives like his drama character now” Heechuluknow

Group Super Junior Kim HeeChul talks about the acting passion of his SM Town family member Dong Bang Shin Ki UKnow YunHo.

HeeChul was present at the press conference of his comeback drama SBS weekend drama ‘Thousand times I love you’ and talked about UKnow YunHo’s recent conditions.

He said, “I talked a lot with UKnow, and we spent fun time together. He is a friend with leadership and does well in everything. And he is recently living his drama character. He wears his training suit and uses dialect.”

“YunHo really like acting and wants to do well. He is living like his character well and brings out his drama character well.”

Meanwhile the first episode to UKnow YunHo’s debut drama ‘Heading The Ground’ will be aired on 9th September.

Credits: Sookyeong @ WordPress
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[info] Kim HeeChul, “UKnow YunHo lives like his drama character now” Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info] Kim HeeChul, “UKnow YunHo lives like his drama character now”   [info] Kim HeeChul, “UKnow YunHo lives like his drama character now” EmptyFri Aug 28, 2009 5:06 pm

oh..dats great..

heechul is rily a greta actor expresslove

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Shining ELF
Shining ELF

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[info] Kim HeeChul, “UKnow YunHo lives like his drama character now” Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info] Kim HeeChul, “UKnow YunHo lives like his drama character now”   [info] Kim HeeChul, “UKnow YunHo lives like his drama character now” EmptyThu Sep 10, 2009 4:22 pm

heheh, supporting all th way~
Chingoos! :D
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[info] Kim HeeChul, “UKnow YunHo lives like his drama character now” Empty
PostSubject: Re: [info] Kim HeeChul, “UKnow YunHo lives like his drama character now”   [info] Kim HeeChul, “UKnow YunHo lives like his drama character now” Empty

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[info] Kim HeeChul, “UKnow YunHo lives like his drama character now”

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