~continue question
Zhou Mi: C) The two don't know each other, no relationship
Hosts: Please choose an answer! Whats wrong with you? (to F Host)
Kyuhyun: Why? (haha so random..)
Hosts: OK, show your answers please!
Kyuhyun shows his answer~
F Host: Haha, on his board he wrote "Wo Bu Zhi Dao" (I don't know) in pinyin
M Host: Donghae, your answer?
Donghae shows his answer, he wrote "Wo Peng You" (My friend) in pinyin
M Host: So Zhu Ba Jie and Shuen Wu Kong are your friends? (they are characters in a traditional story)
Donghae: Dui dui dui (Yes yes yes)
M Host: Ahh so the friends he has are quite of age. Siwon?
Siwon shows~
Henry shows~
M Host: What is this?
Henry: A..B!!!!!!
M Host: So you choose B?
F Host: He changed it!
Henry: I changed it...
M Host: Ahh so cute
Ryeowook shows~
Zhou Mi: Just now, the fans were saying "Ryeowook, B B B!" And he really did change it
M Host: So he still listens to fans..
F Host: What a bad deed
M Host: So they all guessed right. Next question!
Zhou Mi: Which of the following is not Beijing's dishes?
A) Something Lamb
B) Raw Fish slices
C) Baked Duck
Hosts: Please answer~
Siwon Hankyung laughing
Host: What happened?
Siwon: Henry's so weird
Host: Why?
- cant hear what translator says :S
Ryeowook and Henry reveal answers~
Siwon reveal answer~
Hosts: Why were you laughing just now?
Siwon: When we were answering, Henry himself wrote B, and then told me to write C.
Hosts: Henry you are so bad. You're trying to tell others the wrong answer.
Siwon: He's very cute.
Donghae, Kyuhyun reveal answers~
Kyuhyun wrote "Ni Chi Fan Le Ma?" (Did you eat yet) on his board.
M Host: Are you hungry?
Kyuhyun: Im hungry.
M Host: So everyone guessed right this time again.
Zhou Mi: So next question.. What does Li Xiao Long do?
Hosts: Please choose an answer. OK everyone reveal your boards~
Donghae wrote Fu Wu Yuan which means Waiter HAHAHA. Kyuhyun was just saying Fu Wu Yuan in Beijing slang in the earlier part.
Host: Kyuhyun, read it.
Kyuhyun: FU WU YUAN~~!!
Host: Maybe Li Xiao Long has acted as a waiter before..Donghae, why did you write that answer?
Hankyung: He told me to write it..
Host: Well I'm sorry, everyone else guessed right. But you didn't, time for punishment~
Host: Actually, I don't think that this punishment can really be counted as a punishment. I just wanted to give F Host a chance, so lets have F Host and Donghae act out a scene.
Donghae: Ting bu Dong (Don't understand..)
Host: Let them freely act whatever they want. It can be a scary movie!
Donghae: Dui dui (yes yes) Wo ke yi! (I can!)
M Host: So just act whatever you want..
Translator: Break up scene
M Host: OK!
F Host: Who dumps who?
M Host: Doesn't matter, just break up
Donghae: Ni Jiao Shen Me Ming Zi? (Whats your name?)
F Host: Sha sha
Donghae: Sha sha..Xie Xie (Thank you)
M Host: Ok, lets see this break up confession scene~
credits:dirtybathwater@YT :saranghaeyo: