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 [NEWS] Kim Heechul voted best Gag Idol by Korean Netizens

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Shining ELF
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[NEWS] Kim Heechul voted best Gag Idol by Korean Netizens Empty
PostSubject: [NEWS] Kim Heechul voted best Gag Idol by Korean Netizens   [NEWS] Kim Heechul voted best Gag Idol by Korean Netizens EmptyWed Sep 02, 2009 7:31 pm

[NEWS] Kim Heechul voted best Gag Idol by Korean Netizens 20090902_heechul_570

Super Junior's Kim Heechul has been voted by netizens as the best Gag Idol. This achievement came after a recent dcinside poll from 25th August to 1st September, on which idol star had the best performing/variety genes.

With his 'pretty boy' looks, frank comments and 4-D thinking, Heechul won the poll with ease with 1,018 votes (35.1%). His talent was also widely acknowledged by netizens because of his outrageous cross-dressing, kissing another guy during a concert and his hilarious pictures on his Cyworld minihompy. Not really much of a surprise here.

[NEWS] Kim Heechul voted best Gag Idol by Korean Netizens 20090105_suju
(oo la la~)

2nd was 2PM's Nickhun with 401 votes (13.8%)
3rd was 2AM's Jokwon

Others who were on the list include Big Bang's Daesung, SHINee's Key, Super Junior's Lee Teuk and 2PM's Wooyoung.

cr allkpop

sorry :P can't help but add "oo la la~" on that picture XDD
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Super ELF
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[NEWS] Kim Heechul voted best Gag Idol by Korean Netizens Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS] Kim Heechul voted best Gag Idol by Korean Netizens   [NEWS] Kim Heechul voted best Gag Idol by Korean Netizens EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 1:26 pm

i guess heenim manage to make super junior even more well known with his gag now
and the kiss picture - i understand the impulse
thanks for sharing
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[NEWS] Kim Heechul voted best Gag Idol by Korean Netizens Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS] Kim Heechul voted best Gag Idol by Korean Netizens   [NEWS] Kim Heechul voted best Gag Idol by Korean Netizens EmptyMon Sep 07, 2009 6:32 am

hahahaha. WHO ELSE WOULD BE ABLE TO WON THAT PRIZE?? insultlaugh
NOTHING less than Hee!!!!
fer sure... is FOR him! :p
it remind me that kiiiss... with minniie happend also..
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[NEWS] Kim Heechul voted best Gag Idol by Korean Netizens Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS] Kim Heechul voted best Gag Idol by Korean Netizens   [NEWS] Kim Heechul voted best Gag Idol by Korean Netizens EmptyWed Sep 09, 2009 8:45 pm

well hands down to u heechul^^
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[NEWS] Kim Heechul voted best Gag Idol by Korean Netizens

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