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 [NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September!

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Shining ELF
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[NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September! Empty
PostSubject: [NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September!   [NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September! EmptyWed Sep 09, 2009 8:24 pm

[NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September! 20090909_sjm_572

Super Junior-M will make a return at the end of September with their brand-new Chinese mini-album and restart their activities in China. To create hype ahead of their comeback, SM Entertainment has partnered with Chinese portal site,, and will be releasing their teaser clips, etc on their respective websites starting on the 11th.

Super Junior-M comprising of Super Junior members Han Kyung (the leader), Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, and two non-Super Junior members, Henry and Zhou Mi, have won a lot of awards and are super popular in China after they released their first album, Me in April 2008.

The return of Super Junior-M is being looked upon favourably by many especially as the main group, Super Junior had made waves in the earlier part of 2009 with their Sorry, Sorry hit song in Korea and the world.

Super Junior-M expressed, "We are very happy to be bringing our new album to everyone and we have made a lot of preparations for it. We hope that everyone can continue to show their support for Super Junior-M's music and activities and continue to support and love us.

Super Junior-M's new mini-album will be released in China and other Asian countries at the same time by end-September.

Super Junior-M Comeback trail

11th September (This Friday) - SJ-M album teaser
14th September (Next Monday) - MV release
18th September (Next Friday) - Exclusive chat with SJ-M on

[NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September! 20090909_sjm_1

[NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September! 20090909_sjm_2

[NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September! 20090909_sjm_3

cr allkpop

and may i be the first to say ZHOUMI LOOKS HELLA HANDSOME!! (and hot!!)
i am amazed at how much he has changed!!!!

i mean... what happened to THIS Zhoumi???

[NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September! Zhoumi

oh oh! and i see a little Harry Potter boy in Super Junior M <3
our Eternal Magnae, Ryeowook <33 !!
the last time i saw him as Harry Potter, was on one performance on Neorago
damn! that's a hella sexy Harry Potter!!
what happened to the cute Ryeowook????

oh! and don't you think Zhoumi, Kyuhyun & Ryeowook look like brothers?
from eldest to youngest. they do, don't they??

oh my.... doesn't Hankyung look younger now????
does he grow younger by age? ^____^
expected of our leader! (eeteuk! work on your angel-ness!)

Seems like everyone went for the brown hair
except for the first picture, the 2 amazing, hot, sexy, handsome Siwon and Hankyung!

From all the things going on now with DBSK and 2PM, i'm glad at least Super Junior-M is making a comeback.
I hope it takes my mind off things.
Can't wait!
Super Junior M fighting!!!

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[NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September!   [NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September! EmptyThu Sep 10, 2009 11:04 am

nothing happend to that mimiiii.. is that..
HE TURN OUT TO BE HOTTER! [NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September! 945310 [NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September! 595874 [NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September! 595874
HEEE ~ heartattack***
for god.. WOOKIE POTTER! [NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September! 511996
Siiwon... ahh...
*im dead* [NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September! 747552
LOVE IT.. everything!!! ;D
cant wait for the teaser. (:
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[NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September!   [NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September! EmptyThu Sep 10, 2009 1:01 pm

One more day! (Than it'll be the 11th)
Can't wait for their comeback! :D
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Shining ELF
Shining ELF

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[NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September!   [NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September! EmptyThu Sep 10, 2009 3:41 pm

Omo, can't wait for their comeback! :DD
Hwaiting Oppas~ E.L.F is gonna be so happy ! ;)
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[NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September! Empty
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[NEWS] Super Junior-M confirms return this September!

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