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 [news] an announce ment for philippine k-pop lovers

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shin hyun hye
shin hyun hye

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[news] an announce ment for philippine k-pop lovers Empty
PostSubject: [news] an announce ment for philippine k-pop lovers   [news] an announce ment for philippine k-pop lovers EmptyMon Sep 21, 2009 10:07 pm

an announce ment for philippine k-pop lovers

[news] an announce ment for philippine k-pop lovers I21pn4

cr: park yun-hae && unknown..^^
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Number of posts : 2322
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[news] an announce ment for philippine k-pop lovers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] an announce ment for philippine k-pop lovers   [news] an announce ment for philippine k-pop lovers EmptyTue Sep 22, 2009 1:06 pm

ay ou!!! hahaha... we're so damn happy after i read this news... man i can't wait...
i really hope SJ oppa's are one of the kpop entertainer that they'll bring here in the upcoming 60thanniv of Philippines-Republic of korea diplomatic relation...

and, DBSK too... SHINee.. and manymany more.. waaaahh... can't wait!
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Super ELF
Super ELF

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[news] an announce ment for philippine k-pop lovers Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] an announce ment for philippine k-pop lovers   [news] an announce ment for philippine k-pop lovers EmptyThu Oct 22, 2009 10:55 pm

i have already sign the petition
hope many filipino fans will sign too praying
i cant wait to see them even though i'll be just seeing them in TV but the mere fact that they are in the country will make me happy tearsofjoy
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[news] an announce ment for philippine k-pop lovers

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