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 [NEWS]Kim Heechul Acting Filled with Passion

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[NEWS]Kim Heechul Acting Filled with Passion Empty
PostSubject: [NEWS]Kim Heechul Acting Filled with Passion   [NEWS]Kim Heechul Acting Filled with Passion EmptyFri Nov 13, 2009 12:03 am

[NEWS]Kim Heechul Acting Filled with Passion Chul7
Appearing in the SBS weekend drama [I Love You Ten Million Times], singer, & at the same time actor Kim Heechul is full of passion towards acting.

Recently, Kim Heechul said in an interview, “(I) watch every episode, & I’m working to be able to show better acting.” He also stated, “one day while I was watching , I saw a scene of this chubby version of myself & got a shock. After that I started trying to lose weight, & I’ve recently succeeded. As actor Kim Heechul, I wanna show everyone an even better side.”

Leading on, Kim Heechul expressed, “when I’m acting I’m really content. Especially when Sa Mija sunbae etc other sunbae give me advice & encourage me.” He added, “I’m working hard for every episode because I want to show an even more matured side of me.”

Kim Heechul said, “be it as an actor or a singer, I’ve always paid attention to myself, & am careful about what I do. Lately as an actor, I never slack when it comes to practicing so that I can bring an even better performance”, hope that everyone anticipates this.

On the other hand, which Kim Heechul is acting in is currently rating around 20%, claiming the number one spot along with KBS 2TV’s .

original; star news & 盼盼 @
translation credits; fragment @
found & requested by; venus @
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[NEWS]Kim Heechul Acting Filled with Passion Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]Kim Heechul Acting Filled with Passion   [NEWS]Kim Heechul Acting Filled with Passion EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 1:39 am

Im sure he will be able to succed, he is a wonderful guy, and very hardworking, even though people say things about he's kissing habits verymad he is very serious about his work
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[NEWS]Kim Heechul Acting Filled with Passion

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