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 [NEWS]The MAMA's Oversies Viewers goes too

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[NEWS]The MAMA's Oversies Viewers goes too Empty
PostSubject: [NEWS]The MAMA's Oversies Viewers goes too   [NEWS]The MAMA's Oversies Viewers goes too EmptySun Nov 22, 2009 12:04 am

None other than…….

SUPER JUNIOR!!! ^______________^

they also have won :

CGV Popularity Award
Mobile Popularity Award
anyway,, congratz to our boys !!! ^^

also, DBSK won the Best Representative for Asia .. ^^
credits: allkpop

okkk...they won...*happy*
but 1 thing for sure...I HATE IT!!
Artist of The year goes to 2pm...??
why they should win??okkk~don't take this in the wrong way..
i like 2pm but what happen actually??MNET really............... argue people who watch this..must know rite??hmm..
anyways...CHUKAHE to the winners..
and the performance are great....21st STREET!!
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[NEWS]The MAMA's Oversies Viewers goes too Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]The MAMA's Oversies Viewers goes too   [NEWS]The MAMA's Oversies Viewers goes too EmptyMon Nov 23, 2009 12:04 am

CHUKKAHAEYO OPPA^^... so good!
well, i dunno what's the reason behind..
no other SMent artists has been nominated in MAMA...

but this "atleast" award... proves, that many of SUJU fans are really looking forward to this awarding...

then again, congratulations to our SUJU oppas... and to DBSK as well~

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[NEWS]The MAMA's Oversies Viewers goes too Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]The MAMA's Oversies Viewers goes too   [NEWS]The MAMA's Oversies Viewers goes too EmptyThu Nov 26, 2009 9:11 pm

wOw...congrats to our oppas
for winning in the MAMA's award...
go ELF's keep on supporting suju...

uhm...tvxq congrats too...
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[NEWS]The MAMA's Oversies Viewers goes too Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]The MAMA's Oversies Viewers goes too   [NEWS]The MAMA's Oversies Viewers goes too EmptyFri Nov 27, 2009 1:53 pm

suju has no nominations other than foreigner's award bcz SME hs boycottd mnet.
(i even googled the reason and find the article in allkpop)
seems like mnet company wants to dominate the entertainment industry n tried to take over the right to distribute the products of SME but sme refused to be in the pact so..well.., the rest is history
n...those 3 members of DBSK were said to be sponsored by some big big company (hhmmm..ehem..ehem..)in the lawsuit against sme..u kno rite what i mean

OMO ilove gossips deadfun
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Shining ELF
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[NEWS]The MAMA's Oversies Viewers goes too Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]The MAMA's Oversies Viewers goes too   [NEWS]The MAMA's Oversies Viewers goes too EmptyTue Dec 08, 2009 8:09 pm

Chukkahaheyo Suju and DBSK oppas!! <:

I was really upset when I watch Junsu, Yoochun and Jaejoong oppas' speech..
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[NEWS]The MAMA's Oversies Viewers goes too Empty
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[NEWS]The MAMA's Oversies Viewers goes too

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