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 [NEWS/DISC] Super Junior performs at WBC Welfare Sharing Concert minus some members

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Shining ELF
Shining ELF

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[NEWS/DISC] Super Junior performs at WBC Welfare Sharing Concert minus some members Empty
PostSubject: [NEWS/DISC] Super Junior performs at WBC Welfare Sharing Concert minus some members   [NEWS/DISC] Super Junior performs at WBC Welfare Sharing Concert minus some members EmptyFri Dec 25, 2009 11:37 am

[NEWS/DISC] Super Junior performs at WBC Welfare Sharing Concert minus some members 20090603_suju_572

The boys of Super Junior performed earlier today at the WBC Welfare Sharing Concert, they performed 'It's You,' 'Let's Not,' and 'Sorry Sorry.' However, they were missing some members, the members were: Heechul, Hankyung, Kangin, and Kibum. The latter isn't surprising because he's always missing and Hankyung obviously has a public contract dispute with SM Entertainment. Kangin had his drunken incident and hasn't participated in much of the Super Junior activities lately as well.

Though, I don't know why Heechul wasn't present for the performance. I do know that the rumor of more Super Junior members having lawsuits is probably false. Why? Because some of the accused actually performed. Thanks to 13elieve for the tip.

cr allkpop

So what i posted earlier about the rumor is false, but there are still people saying that it might be true
but i'm still not happy about all this...
throughout the year, SJ didn't even perform all together even once!
Hopefully 2010 will turn out better
SJ = 13
but here, SJ = 13 - 4
what's happening??
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[NEWS/DISC] Super Junior performs at WBC Welfare Sharing Concert minus some members Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS/DISC] Super Junior performs at WBC Welfare Sharing Concert minus some members   [NEWS/DISC] Super Junior performs at WBC Welfare Sharing Concert minus some members EmptyFri Dec 25, 2009 2:46 pm

only 9? huhu~
it's okay. i ship the power of 9~ haha xD
palli 2010!!
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Shining ELF
Shining ELF

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[NEWS/DISC] Super Junior performs at WBC Welfare Sharing Concert minus some members Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS/DISC] Super Junior performs at WBC Welfare Sharing Concert minus some members   [NEWS/DISC] Super Junior performs at WBC Welfare Sharing Concert minus some members EmptyTue Dec 29, 2009 12:22 am

tsk tsk ,
whenever i see the uncomplete thirteen
my heart breaks T___________T
hoping 2010 will be a better year !
thanks for sharing :)
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[NEWS/DISC] Super Junior performs at WBC Welfare Sharing Concert minus some members Empty
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[NEWS/DISC] Super Junior performs at WBC Welfare Sharing Concert minus some members

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