Super Junior's Eeteuk is gaining popularity as a new generation MC following after Kang Ho Dong and Yoo Jae Seok. Recently, In SBS 'Strong Heart' as well as 'Star King' he is showing outstanding wit and an eloquent display. In 'Strong Heart', he is in charge of 'Teuk Academy' which has become a corner that not only the viewers anticipate but the guest stars as well. As of now, Eeteuk is still only a side MC but with his ability to control the guests, he is standing out as having a possibility of being a new generation MC star.
▶ Talents, Is not having a character actually an advantage?
Eeteuk doesn't have a special talent or character. He doesn't have an outstanding appearance and he's not a person who has a strong charisma either. He has a disadvantage at standing out on variety shows. His rank in popularity in Super Junior is in the high-middle. But this point is a main plus factor in becoming successful as an MC.
"Rather than being a model, I’ve accepted the role of helping the people around me stand out. As much as not having exceptional point, I decided ‘ 'Let's stay consistent'. I think that that role of being oil for the gear wheel fits well as one of the roles of the MC. As I gain acceptance as a helper figure in the program, I can slowly expand my position."
Eeteuk's good point is that on stage, he is demonstrating charisma but on variety shows, without hesitation, he ruins himself.
"Just because you say I am an idol, should I carry myself fabulously and be only amazing?. I think the lifespan of an idol is 5 years. If you want to look at it for the long run, you must have a very flexible stance. It's good to become instantly amazing but I think receiving love for a long time is more important."
▶ My two teachers are Kang Hodong and Boom
Eeteuk counts on Kang Hodong and Boom to be important teachers to him. Kang Hodong taught him the 'Authenticity of Variety'. From Boom, he learned how to slowly sacrifice himself and how to hold a shining presence along with the other stars.
"Just looking at Kang Hodong sunbaenim, I feel there is a lot of learn. Sometimes he calls me to his waiting room and says 'Just sit down here next to me '. I learn about the 'Authenticity of Variety' by studying him constantly and watch him holding discussions. One day he gave me the advice 'If you want to succed as an MC, you need 10 years of experience. Don't be impatient and build up steadily step by step."
Eeteuk's 'Teukkie Gayo ' was included in the section he did together with Boom called 'Boom Academy'. But when Boom left to serve in the army, Eeteuk worked to familiarize himself and is demonstrating his skills.
"Over the past 3 years, I did 6 programs together with Boom hyung. He's a hyung that helped me a lot. Even though he is serving in the army currently, he contacts me and gives me support and advice. I want to take good care of this position until Boom hyung is discharged from the army. At that time, we will be more successful then now."
▶ Exhaustive Self Management
There is not a break in Eeteuk’s schedule. Every night at 10PM, he hosts KBS 2FM 'Kiss the Radio', and is a regular guest on 'Kang Shim Jang ' and ‘'Star King'. He is also absorbed in preparing for the release of Super Junior's 4th album in May. He is also conducting Super Junior's Asia Tour every weekend. Far from rest time, he is even lacking time to sleep. But Eeteuk doesn't forget to research up items for 'Teukkie Gayo' and get in exercise.
"The item is the life of "'Teukkie Gayo '. Everyday after my radio schedule, I return to the dorms and hold an idea conference with Eunhyuk and Shindong. We find out interesting things about the guests and we find the funny pictures ourselves. As we discuss over the phone with the writer noonas, we even work out the script. We better the item we find, the better the response will be so as it goes on, my shoulders get heavier. "
No matter how late work ends, I go to the health club and build up my physical strength. 2AM is my regular workout time. I do weight training for 1~2 hours and do aerobic exercises."
"Trainer Lee Youngman never sleeps and waits for me to help me out. I'm thankful and sorry at the same time."
▶ Super Junior is my everything
Eeteuk has a unique attachment to Super Junior. Although he is taking an active role as an MC, he puts being a Super Junior member before everything else. In 2009, he was feeling very great when their 3rd album 'Sorry Sorry' became a huge hit but he was heartbroken due to the unfavorable conditions that some of his members were in. That is because of his responsibility as the leader.
"2009 was a very meaningful year for Super Junior. But Hankyung's leaving us and Kangin's accident was a very painful ordeal for us. When Kangin caused trouble the first time, I cheered him up saying 'It's okay' but the second time around, I reprimanded him. It's because of how disappointed I was. But Kangin is still a very important member. And whenever Hankyung comes back, we will accept him warmly.”
Recently, Eeteuk is happy with Super Junior's latest Asia Tour. It's due to the positive response from the overseas fans.
"At the Taiwan concert, when local stars followed us in the 'Sorry Sorry' dance, I was extremely happy. I am gaining the confidence to begin our overseas promotions. But it is unfortunate that some members are missing. When all 13 members are together is when we are truly Super Junior."
Credits: Jihee @, original
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