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 [News/Siwon]<Oh My Lady> filming on the 12th March – Greetings to fans in China

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[News/Siwon]<Oh My Lady> filming on the 12th March – Greetings to fans in China Empty
PostSubject: [News/Siwon]<Oh My Lady> filming on the 12th March – Greetings to fans in China   [News/Siwon]<Oh My Lady> filming on the 12th March – Greetings to fans in China EmptyFri Mar 19, 2010 3:16 pm

filming on the 12th March – Greetings to fans in China

On the night of 12th March, after filming a scene in the drinks’ store endorsed by Sung Min Woo, Siwon went to a swimming pool in a 5 stars hotel to film a scene of him swimming.
This scene is going to appear in the 5th episode of .

According to the shooting crew, for this scene, Siwon had been abstaining from foods. He asked the crew to finish this scene as soon as possible so that he could eat something. (XDDD, He’s so cute).
The crew members also praised that Siwon’s acting skills are really good. ^^

Siwon stayed in the pool for 2 hours. These 2 hours includes filming different angles of him swimming underwater. It is believed that the audiences in front of the TV that day would either drool or have a nose bleed.
(Someone* almost had a nose bleed. HAHA!)

After everything ended around midnight, Siwon greeted every single crew member politely and said, “You’ve worked hard.” Suddenly, he used Chinese and said, “Say hello to my fans in China.”
That person* he spoke to, froze on the spot immediately.

Photos at the drinks’ store will be uploaded later, look forward to them ^^

* I think the someone/that person is the author of the actual article.

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[News/Siwon]<Oh My Lady> filming on the 12th March – Greetings to fans in China

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