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 [NEWS]Super Junior to attend World Expo in Shanghai

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Number of posts : 141
Age : 28
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Hangeul Name : Han Hyun Ah
Joined. : 2009-12-19

[NEWS]Super Junior to attend World Expo in Shanghai Empty
PostSubject: [NEWS]Super Junior to attend World Expo in Shanghai   [NEWS]Super Junior to attend World Expo in Shanghai EmptyThu Mar 25, 2010 2:02 pm

This is from an interview from a China newspaper with South Korea's consul-general, Mr Kim Jong-kee (I'm not sure of the correct spelling of his name). I only translated the part related to SuJu.

Q: Due to the influence of hallyu, quite a number of Korean stars are famous in China. I guess all of us are curious, during the Shanghai World Expo, which Korean stars can we expect to see?

A: Talking about popular stars, we have indeed invited a lot of artistes, hoping that they can surprise the visitors to the Korean Pavilion during the six-month period. However, up till now, only Super Junior and Rain are confirmed to attend.

original source: nddaily
translated by: autonomygirl @
please credit if taking out

The Expo will be held in Shanghai from May 1 to Oct 31, 2010. More info here:
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[NEWS]Super Junior to attend World Expo in Shanghai

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