Donghae Oppa Sohu page .
this translations is from korean to chinese to english.
I truly feel really bad
if i was a superman that would be so great.. if i could solves all the problems in one try that would be so great
but i can't do it, so i feel bad inside
但是, 包括我在内, 大家给予的哪怕是小小的关心都正在一点一滴地聚集起来变成勇气和力量...与一个人的力量相比
but what everyone has given, even if it is a little bit, has created bravery and strength..compared to one person's strength
little bits of care together makes something great...what we need now really is caring.
虽然我是韩国人, 但现在不是纠结什么韩国、中国, 我们是什么国籍的时候,
i'm korean, but at this time, it's not about being korean, chinese, or whatever nationality
rather, the time now is to come together as one world to fight
我们SJ的成员们也是每天都聚在一起, 超过十二遍地反复思考我们该怎么做才能帮助大家,怎么做才能凝聚力量...
the members of SJ come together every day, thinking more than 12 times about how we can come together to give strength
希望这段痛苦的时期快些过去, 到处洋溢着美好; 人们喜悦,欢笑的日子快些来到
i hope that this painful period will quickly pass, (??); let the days when we can be happy again come
那个时候, 我们会在大家面前歌唱, 让你们心情变得更好...
at that time, we will sing in front of everyone, letting your moods become even better
真心希望充满欢笑的日子快点到来... 拜托请让这痛苦的时间快点过去吧.
i really hope that days full with happiness will come soon.. please let this painful time pass faster
now my only hope is that no one is hurt further (??)
(all credits to Badu)