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 [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand..

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Sunbae ELF
Sunbae ELF

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[news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand.. Empty
PostSubject: [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand..   [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand.. EmptyThu Jun 19, 2008 12:18 pm

An online poll, asks asks ajnma(s) to vote for which
male celeberity they would most want to see marry
their daughters and become their son in law

While voting, they were also asked
to give a reason for the choice.

1. Siwon
(rich, gentleman, reliable)

2. Jeong Kyungho

(down-to-earth, capable, persevering)

3. Xiah (Kim) Junsu
(gentle, warm smile, friendly)

4. Shindong
(usually the chubby ones are very kind-hearted)

5. U-know (Jeong) Yunho
(caring, responsible, hard-working)

6. Max (Shim) Changmin
(adaptive/ good at school, can’t become a bad guy)

7. Kong Yu
(very elegant, very cute)

8. Kim Junghoon
(very prince-like, very pretty, charming)

9. Hero (Kim) Jaejoong
(good cook, helpful/ warm-hearted)

10. Kangin
(capacity to keep house, is able to do the chores)

"ahaha..Siwon oppa..owwhh dat's cool..
well, my parents are fighting between
Eeteuk and Eunhyuk to be their son-in-law..
ahaha...stay healthy everyone..mwuah!!"

Last edited by aeinsshi on Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:21 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand..   [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand.. EmptyThu Jun 19, 2008 2:33 pm

i think i've seen this post before noidea or is this a new survey? ...
oh well, whatever... smiling

so cool... shindong? i have dreamt once to marry a chubby guy like shindong oppa wiggle cause i think it's so cute, if you cud hug someone at night,which is very..... ahhh... mmm.... cozy!?... well, what ever you call it.. hehe

woow 4 of dbsk oppas got in.. poor micky...
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Shining ELF
Shining ELF

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[news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand..   [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand.. EmptyThu Jun 19, 2008 4:13 pm

Junsu oppa become the 3rd.... wiggle
Congratz to Siwon oppa.....

Gomawo for sharing....
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[news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand..   [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand.. EmptyThu Jun 19, 2008 8:37 pm

Ne ne... like i know this post b4.. noidea

but may be this is the new one...

well Siwonnie always be the best one..
Dang where Donghae oppa... he can be a good husband.. for me.. wiggle

Oh... kangin oppa also there..
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Hee Jin
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PostSubject: Re: [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand..   [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand.. EmptyFri Jun 20, 2008 2:51 pm

hahaa...Kang In oppa? insultlaugh ehhehe...they are right,you are very good at chores..
I really want to eat your Kimchi soup.. :drooling:

Congratulation Si Won oppa... :suitor:
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Jung Ji Jin
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PostSubject: Re: [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand..   [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand.. EmptyFri Jun 20, 2008 8:16 pm

yeah yeah..ive seen this before. ahehe... kang in is there of course... ahaha.. mom will surely love him... ahehe
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<3 hyemin
<3 hyemin

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[news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand..   [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand.. EmptyFri Jun 20, 2008 10:01 pm

a husband like super junior and dbsk oppas... what can u say? i wonder how that will feel.. wiggle
everynight....cuddled up against oppas' warm body.... :maniac:
donghae oppa!! let's get married... :giggle: kekekekee...
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Global Moderator
Global Moderator

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PostSubject: Re: [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand..   [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand.. EmptyFri Jun 20, 2008 11:21 pm

haha ^^
yah! coOl....
hmp! i will go for jaejOong oppa...
no offense to my hee chul...ehehe ^^
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Super ELF
Super ELF

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[news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand..   [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand.. EmptySat Jun 21, 2008 8:41 pm

how bout donghae oppa?hehe
bt its good dat jaejoong oppa is up der..
lyk him too..hehe
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kim kibum28
Shining ELF
Shining ELF
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PostSubject: Re: [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand..   [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand.. EmptyThu Jun 26, 2008 6:52 pm

sad cOz kibummie oppa is not there...... shocked
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Shining ELF
Shining ELF

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PostSubject: Re: [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand..   [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand.. EmptyThu Sep 11, 2008 5:32 pm

Wow.... Siwon oppa...... wiggle

I'm happy for you guyz... crazylaugh

Oh... Sungmin's not there... leftout
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Super ELF
Super ELF

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PostSubject: Re: [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand..   [news/info] the tOp 10 maLe ceLebriTy cApabLe of beiNg a husBand.. EmptyMon Apr 06, 2009 1:59 pm

even if there is hundreds of lists without heechul on it, i would always pick him
he will be a good husband
he is creative and funny
he is also caring (all people with pet are caring)
he is also strict ~ so i won't stray
thanks for sharing
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