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 [news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service"

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Sunbae ELF
Sunbae ELF

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[news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service" Empty
PostSubject: [news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service"   [news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service" EmptyThu Jun 26, 2008 11:54 pm

[news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service" Service
SBSi and SM Entertainment held its joint mobile portal service ceremony.

The ceremony commenced in the afternoon of June 25 at the level 13 of SBS Mokdong Company Building mobile portal service as a commemoration of joint enterprise which both companies are into music and star relations.

SBSi Channel S leads from SKT and to Radio Portal Service 'SBS Music Star Channel' along with SM Entertainment's connection with mobile agencies such as SKT - KTF and from LG to 'iple4862 Service' and with much developed internet services providers such as Yoomyuseon and Yeondong.

SM Entertainment's representative Lee Soo Man gave commemorative remark 'SM together with SBSi will help each other put out filth spreading out on different sorts of communication.'

SBSi representatives stated "Strong point of each company opened the new area of combination in one service." The mobile service leads to communicate fans and the star intimately so no more miscommunication by means of such system sending out information directly from the artists.

[news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service" 1-2 [news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service" 3-1[news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service" 2-2

SM Entertainment's group Super Junior Happy and SHINee participated the ceremony by presenting an auction of their goods.

The service provides an opportunity for the stars to voice out their thoughts to put in 'Star Bell/Ring Service' which also provides 'HOT Star Page' for Americans. Not only SM stars will be counted in, but also other artists.
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<3 hyemin
<3 hyemin

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[news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service" Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service"   [news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service" EmptyThu Jun 26, 2008 11:56 pm is really generous.. smiling
i want oppas' goods!! please send it to singapore.. puppyeyes hehehe....
well oppas...those fans are lucky!! i have to admit that.. i agree
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Hee Jin
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[news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service" Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service"   [news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service" EmptyFri Jun 27, 2008 12:10 am

I also want the goods wiggle
Oppas please give me one.. cute
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[news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service" Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service"   [news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service" EmptyFri Jun 27, 2008 5:23 am

aw! !sounds good.. i dont care bout the
goods anyways i want you ghuys..ahaha kidding crazylaugh
Thanks fer sharing* that was chimchakada
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[news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service" Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service"   [news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service" EmptyFri Jun 27, 2008 9:15 am

woooww.. cool~ lol sunji unnie laughinghard

well, i want that goods too~ i know it's impossible for me to touch oppas..
so atleast their stuffs might do~ wiggle
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[news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service" Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service"   [news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service" EmptyMon Jun 30, 2008 5:02 am

NN</3CK*SJ wrote:
aw! !sounds good.. i dont care bout the
goods anyways i want you ghuys..ahaha kidding crazylaugh

haha.. laughinghard
i want their goods and sung min oppa insultlaugh
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[news] suju- h participated in a "Joint Mobile Portal Service"

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