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 Gagwoman [news]Park Jiseon "My ideal type is a boy like Suju Kyuhyun" 090401

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Sunbae ELF
Sunbae ELF

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Gagwoman [news]Park Jiseon "My ideal type is a boy like Suju Kyuhyun" 090401 Empty
PostSubject: Gagwoman [news]Park Jiseon "My ideal type is a boy like Suju Kyuhyun" 090401   Gagwoman [news]Park Jiseon "My ideal type is a boy like Suju Kyuhyun" 090401 EmptyThu Apr 02, 2009 1:17 am

KBS 2TV "Gag concert"s gagwoman Park Jiseon has revealed that her ideal type is Super Junior's member Kyuhyun.

Park Jiseon said "I always paid attention to Kyuhyun" when she filmed a recent episode of KBS 2TV "대결 노래가 좋다" (Song battle).

MC Hyunyoung asked her that why she liked KyuHyun, Park Jiseon said "I
like the person who is gentle, pure and honest", she even said "I just
want to stain him", hence make the whole studio burst out laughing.

that episode of Song battle, Super Junior's KyuHyun, Kangin, Ryeowook,
Leeteuk, Yesung, Shindong, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Shiwon, Sungmin will

There will be a poll among the members and the member
who is the most hard to get along with is Shindong, the most
failed-to-recognize by the old folks member is Ryeowook. Ryeowook said
"Since people rarely recognize me so I still use the subway now".

The show will be aired on April 2nd at 08.55PM
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Gagwoman [news]Park Jiseon "My ideal type is a boy like Suju Kyuhyun" 090401 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gagwoman [news]Park Jiseon "My ideal type is a boy like Suju Kyuhyun" 090401   Gagwoman [news]Park Jiseon "My ideal type is a boy like Suju Kyuhyun" 090401 EmptySat Apr 04, 2009 2:44 am

indeed...kyu hyun is so pure and honest...his smile could be a killer smile too~!!

people still didn't recognize ryeowook?owh..poor ryeowook..but it's a relief since he can enjoy his normal life (using subway)

thnks fo sharing~!!!

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Gagwoman [news]Park Jiseon "My ideal type is a boy like Suju Kyuhyun" 090401 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gagwoman [news]Park Jiseon "My ideal type is a boy like Suju Kyuhyun" 090401   Gagwoman [news]Park Jiseon "My ideal type is a boy like Suju Kyuhyun" 090401 EmptySun Apr 05, 2009 9:12 pm

huhu.. i must watch their performances n tv shows..
mann.. i miss them so much!!
haha.. many people love them right?
aja aja fighting!! smiling
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Gagwoman [news]Park Jiseon "My ideal type is a boy like Suju Kyuhyun" 090401 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gagwoman [news]Park Jiseon "My ideal type is a boy like Suju Kyuhyun" 090401   Gagwoman [news]Park Jiseon "My ideal type is a boy like Suju Kyuhyun" 090401 EmptyMon Apr 06, 2009 10:58 pm


Kyuhyun oppa pure and honest:)

Ryeowook oppa bwahahahaha So funny. He says that he still can use the subway rather than the other members:)

I wonder why it's so hard to get along with Shindong oppa noidea
He's a funny person and very talkative and nice.
Wonder what's wrong??

Komawo for sharing unnie:)

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Gagwoman [news]Park Jiseon "My ideal type is a boy like Suju Kyuhyun" 090401 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gagwoman [news]Park Jiseon "My ideal type is a boy like Suju Kyuhyun" 090401   Gagwoman [news]Park Jiseon "My ideal type is a boy like Suju Kyuhyun" 090401 Empty

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Gagwoman [news]Park Jiseon "My ideal type is a boy like Suju Kyuhyun" 090401

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