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 [news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards

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Shining ELF
Shining ELF

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[news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards Empty
PostSubject: [news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards   [news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards EmptySun Aug 03, 2008 3:37 pm

Welcome to the MAAs as first time nominees of Favorite Artist of Korea! The theme surrounding this year’s MAAs revolves around the letter ‘M.’ What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the letter ‘M?’
Siwon: Super Junior – M!
Leeteuk: Music! MTV! Man!

You’ve always had radical hairstyles and outfits. With the constant changing of image, what is the real Super Junior like?
Eunhyuk: The hairstyles and outfits have ranged from cute to wild. But we’re more colorful and are much more multi-faceted in personality and character than that.

Having said that, your new album is a remarkable departure from the bubbly image of your first. What are some of your thoughts on this change?
Leeteuk: The first album portrayed us as more boyish and adorable. As for the second album, we have grown up a little more, and so this is us in a more manly sight.

Right now there seems to be quite a large number of Korean boy bands coming, and they’re mostly all going down the K-pop and ballad route. So how do you distinguish yourselves from them musically?
Leeteuk: Well first and foremost, we have 13 members. So that’s already a huge difference, and a memorable one to boot. And each and every one of our members has a different and unique voice. Aside from that, we also do other stuff like acting and DJing. So we have a more well-rounded portfolio.

Speaking of which, I think one of your most memorable shows has got to be Full House, the home-stay chronicle with Anya and Eva. I’m sure a lot of us are curious to know how that came about, and whether Super Junior is planning to open their home in future again.
Leeteuk: The Full House experience was a very moving and rewarding one. We learned a lot from it, and we’re also really glad that we’ve been able to share a bit of the Korean culture with our foreign friends. If there’s ever the opportunity, we’ld definitely like to be doing this again.

Erm..Well actually I didn’t think of that but now…Let’s just move on, eh? With 13 people in a band, the leader (Leeteuk) is usually the one who’s the main spokesperson. And some of the members are also more outspoken than others. So in that case, how do all the members get equal representation in the band?
Eunhyuk: Well, each of us have our own talent and contribution to the band. Kyuhyun is vocally powerful, Sungmin is our poster boy of cuteness, Donghae is a good dancer.
Donghae: Shiwon has the global face, and Euhyuk is known for his rapping. So in a way, we all get a fair share of showing what we’re good at.

What about the younger ones then? Donghae, Sungmin and Kyuhyun. Do they get bullied all the time?
Leeteuk: Yes. It’s mostly what they’re there for! [Laughs]

Living and touring together all the time, what are some of the weirdest habits of some of the members?
Siwon: Every time I go on a holiday, I always carry the most bags.
Sungmin: He brings almost everything possible, and he organizes them neatly.
Leeteuk: So if we need exercise equipment, or even some kind of medicine, we’ll just go to him. He’s the best possible roommate to have.
Siwon: We always have some kind of a bet to see which roommate we’ll get.

You’ve been on the tour the past couple of months for the Super Show. Why isn’t Singapore one of your stops?
Leeteuk: Well yeah, we’ve actually been going to a lot of other places in Asia. We did the first show in Thailand, and we’re planning nine more stops. We’d actually have loved to make a stop at Singapore. Why haven’t you called us?!

Ahhh I see. Our bad. Don’t worry. I’ll be sure to speak to my boss about it.
Super Junior: YEAH!!!

A lot of your songs talk about love. What exactly does it mean to you, anyway?
Kyuhyun: Love is sweet.
Sungmin: I haven’t really known what love is all about actually.
Aww so soon
Leeteuk: Love is being lovesick.
Oh dear. Why so negative?
Leeteuk: I haven’t had very good experiences with it. [Laughs]
Oops okay I’m sorry!
Donghae: Love is romantic.
Siwon: Love is patient.

Finally, tell us a little-known fact about Super Junior.
Eunhyuk: Well, in all our reality TV shows we are usually very honest about ourselves, and so our fans know most everything about us.
Leeteuk: Even to the point of knowing about Eunhyuk’s smelly feet. [Laughs]
Eunhyuk: No! No!

Alright, I believe you, I do! Thanks, boys, for talking to me. Good luck! And bye!

* The bold texts are from the interviewer

credits: + simply_diem @ soompi + sj-market + AF + HaengBok
source: sapphirebluelove
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<3 hyemin
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[news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards   [news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards EmptySun Aug 03, 2008 6:20 pm cute!! expresses love
omo...oppas might come to singapore?? joengmal?? puppyeyes
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Shining ELF
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[news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards   [news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards EmptySun Aug 03, 2008 10:33 pm

hahaha! i like it.....
i hope to watch this very soon.....
aaahhh..leeteuk really defines love negatively...
so they're planning to make Singapore as one of their stops... about it included on their list too.....??
hahaha! just wondering.....but it's ok if it's not....
'coz i might just miss half of my life if they arrived here and i didn't got the chance to see them.. .....!?...
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[news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards   [news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards EmptyMon Aug 04, 2008 12:56 am

bwahahahahahaha laughinghard teukie oppa... u're being studius again...haha~
really funny... ur answers are so deadfun same as to other members~
eunhyuk's smelly feet... oh well, stop by to PHILIPPINES too~ dead oppas~

waaaahhhh can't wait to watch them and see them personally... crying
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[news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards   [news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards EmptyMon Aug 04, 2008 4:31 pm

Some of the answer they give is funny!!! haha!
How about M'sia?! Do all of you might come here again for a concert?
As i know, there is one... but when??? I hope it's not canceled!
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kim kibum28
Shining ELF
Shining ELF
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[news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards   [news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards EmptyTue Aug 05, 2008 12:06 am funny....hehehehehe....
i think i've read about this somewhere........ noidea
but thanks for sharing!!! smiles

KIBUM is :hearts:
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[news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards   [news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards EmptyMon Aug 11, 2008 7:30 pm

They are really handsome in their suits..
SungMin is really cute...
HeeChul looks hot.. hahaha..
So happy to see them almost complete..
I hope next time they are all 13..
expresslove :saranghaeyo: :hearts: :loveNkiss: in love;
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[news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards   [news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards EmptyTue Aug 12, 2008 5:56 am

hahaa..Eun Hyuk's funny about it..
mm,the youngest always be bulied by oppas?
I think not so because I always see Teukie oppa be bulied by others...hehehehheahhahahah
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Sunbae ELF
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[news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards   [news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards EmptyFri Sep 12, 2008 4:07 am

oh yeah...i see th vid of this...
LOL teukie oppa so cute..haha..
hhm..nice speech siwon oppa..
very nice english...XDD,,, the performance
the best ever among all...
hehe...kidding...well, no doubt
dat u r most fave artist..
hehe...saranghae oppas~~
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Shining ELF
Shining ELF

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[news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards Empty
PostSubject: Re: [news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards   [news] Super Junior at MTV Asia Awards EmptyFri Sep 19, 2008 4:06 pm

haha... they're sooo funny... crazylaugh

hmm... i think i've already read this one in this forum... noidea

well, thankz for sharing.. hehe
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