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 [NEWS] [090510/Leeteuk] Kyuhyun "Leeteuk, philtrum's smell became like that because of Yesung's touch"

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[NEWS] [090510/Leeteuk] Kyuhyun "Leeteuk, philtrum's smell became like that because of Yesung's touch" Empty
PostSubject: [NEWS] [090510/Leeteuk] Kyuhyun "Leeteuk, philtrum's smell became like that because of Yesung's touch"   [NEWS] [090510/Leeteuk] Kyuhyun "Leeteuk, philtrum's smell became like that because of Yesung's touch" EmptyMon May 11, 2009 4:32 pm

[NEWS] [090510/Leeteuk] Kyuhyun "Leeteuk, philtrum's smell became like that because of Yesung's touch" Davich10

Female duo Davichi's Kang Minkyung has revealed the truth about her fart incident back then in SBS Inkigayo on March.

On KBS2TV "Star Golden bell" episode which was aired on May 9th, Kang Minkyung said "After that incident, I had been a guest on Leeteuk's radio show and I had asked him why he had that expression, Leeteuk confessed that he just smelled his own philtrum's smell"

Then member Kyuhyun said "Leeteuk hyung's philtrum's smell became like that because Yesung hyung touched it a lot" which made everybody laughing

Original article is here and here

credits :

Last edited by minreichan on Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[NEWS] [090510/Leeteuk] Kyuhyun "Leeteuk, philtrum's smell became like that because of Yesung's touch" Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS] [090510/Leeteuk] Kyuhyun "Leeteuk, philtrum's smell became like that because of Yesung's touch"   [NEWS] [090510/Leeteuk] Kyuhyun "Leeteuk, philtrum's smell became like that because of Yesung's touch" EmptyWed May 13, 2009 7:16 am

such weird.. but wot is philtrum? OO"
and.. she really fart? :o
that would be pretty embarrasing..
but it's OK! (:
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[NEWS] [090510/Leeteuk] Kyuhyun "Leeteuk, philtrum's smell became like that because of Yesung's touch"

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