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 [NEWS]Super Junior’s Shindong speaks about SM Entertainment 100108

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[NEWS]Super Junior’s Shindong speaks about SM Entertainment 100108 Empty
PostSubject: [NEWS]Super Junior’s Shindong speaks about SM Entertainment 100108   [NEWS]Super Junior’s Shindong speaks about SM Entertainment 100108 EmptyTue Jan 12, 2010 8:49 pm

[NEWS]Super Junior’s Shindong speaks about SM Entertainment 100108 20090108_shindong

We all know idol stars have it rough, with anti-fans always on their backs, there’s a reason why entertainment labels are overly protective and actively involved in managing an idols’ public image. Well, during the filming of an upcoming episode of KBS2’s Star Golden Bell (set to air on the 9th), Shindong of Super Junior revealed a few behind the scenes secrets and behaviors that are taboo.

On the show, MC Ji Suk Jin asked, “Since you’re an idol, there must be a lot of interference from your entertainment agency, for instance, if there is one thing considered taboo what is it?”

Shindong answered, “Never take a photo where there is alcohol. However, my company said to me, ‘But Shindong, it’s ok for you.‘”

Shindong also revealed, “During charismatic/cool song promotions such as, ‘Don Don’ or ‘Sorry Sorry’, because we should maintain our cool image, our company told us to never act silly or funny when we make appearances on variety shows. But yet again, one time, they said to me, ‘Shindong ah, you were really funny yesterday.’”

Shindong brought the entire audience to laughter with these 2 statements. With that, being an idol is tough, but Shindong has it easier than other idols, or at least he says he does. He’s definitely a unique case though, but that’s a given, as he isn’t really your typical idol.

cr. GHOSTWRITER @ allkpop


okay, i know SM has changed and not a good entertainment anymore. that's what the rumour says.
but i dont think we should hate he aite? cuz afterall he's the one who brought our idols on the stage and we have them now (:

ps: this is my 2000th post! laughinghard
komawo shin :D
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[NEWS]Super Junior’s Shindong speaks about SM Entertainment 100108 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [NEWS]Super Junior’s Shindong speaks about SM Entertainment 100108   [NEWS]Super Junior’s Shindong speaks about SM Entertainment 100108 EmptyWed Jan 13, 2010 12:26 pm

aaw so... yup, there, i agree~
most of my fave group/talent/idol or whatsoever... is from SME...
so, i should be both thankful and annoyed at the same time... haha
but still thanks for bringing up the bestest talents!!

aaww.. congrats for reaching 2000posts yongmi-ssi...

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[NEWS]Super Junior’s Shindong speaks about SM Entertainment 100108

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