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 Super Junior members tweets about GDA 2012 at Osaka, Japan

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Number of posts : 248
Age : 28
Location : Malaysia
Job/hobbies : reading books :)
Hangeul Name : Han Hyo Soo
Joined. : 2009-02-11

Super Junior members tweets about GDA 2012 at Osaka, Japan Empty
PostSubject: Super Junior members tweets about GDA 2012 at Osaka, Japan   Super Junior members tweets about GDA 2012 at Osaka, Japan EmptyWed Jan 11, 2012 10:40 pm

‎[TRANS/1] @donghae861015: Super Junior's Daesang !!!!!!! ELF is the best, i love you!! 4 golden trophies !!!

@donghae861015: 슈퍼주니어 대상 !!!!!!! ELF 최고다 사랑해 !! 4관왕 !!!

Super Junior members tweets about GDA 2012 at Osaka, Japan 388586_189002031197895_167647033333395_326830_316598406_n

‎[TRANS] @shfly3424: 골든디스크대상 그리고4관왕 .. 이상을선물해준 전세계ELF고맙고사랑합니다.

@shfly3424: GDA Daesang and won 4 awards .. Thank you ELF around the world for give us this awards as a gift. I love you.

Super Junior members tweets about GDA 2012 at Osaka, Japan 383171_188999501198148_167647033333395_326826_2062643418_n

[120111] #ittiban (Sungmin's blog)
Title: 4 awards..ㅠㅠThank you~!!

Really's such a happy day~
We will work harder in the future
as a recompense for the awards everyone's given us!!

Super Junior members tweets about GDA 2012 at Osaka, Japan 397791_189006561197442_167647033333395_326842_958196492_n

‎#GDAOsaka Hyuk: "Firstly thanks to ELF in Korea who have waited for this awarding results, not only in Japan, also fans from the world. Thank you. Its the 7th year we debuted, even if 10 years or 20 years had past, we'll still aim for the best." [cr: @cherishyukjae, @SJFever]

hehe, I hope ELFs here are all smiley smiley looking at our oppa pics :D whistling

Nad :D

Last edited by Nad on Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:47 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : adding some more info in the post :))
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Super Junior members tweets about GDA 2012 at Osaka, Japan

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