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 [INFO] Fan Accounts from Super Junior Encore Show Part 2

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Shining ELF
Shining ELF

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[INFO] Fan Accounts from Super Junior Encore Show  Part 2 Empty
PostSubject: [INFO] Fan Accounts from Super Junior Encore Show Part 2   [INFO] Fan Accounts from Super Junior Encore Show  Part 2 EmptySat Jan 10, 2009 3:39 pm

Fan account from JunEunHae:

Just got home from the Super Show Encore and thought I'd post some info..sorry no pics/fancams cos the security was crazy!! they escorted so many fans out..i didn't dare risk it.

So anyway things I can remember ;

- Siwon injured his leg (in China I think) and every time he walked you could see him limp and i think it got worse as the concert went on but when it came to the dance songs, he performed like a pro!!I first noticed it right after the introductions cos K.R.Y usually leaves to go get ready but Siwon did too and he was limping when he was almost offstage but most fans only noticed it towards the end and Kangin explained it.
Still, it was soo good to see all the love and caring..especially Hyukjae..keke..he was hugging Siwon and helped him walk back a few times and i think at one point he might have kissed his cheek or it was the other way around..haha..

- The songlist was mostly the same.. Heenim performed Crazy..and it was AMAZING!!! he has a new hairstyle i think..just slightly different from his old one..and Teuk has a similar one..both of them looked sooooooooooo droolworthy with it.. Its long on one side so most of the time the two oldest were smirking and totally playing it up.

- Heenim started the exposure train right into the first song- Twins i think..its such a blur..keke.. he removed his jacket and danced in his wife beater

- then when the boys came back on stage, one of them was in a wife beater and i assumed it was Heenim but on closer look, it was Yesungie!! Gahh i blame the similar hairstyles and haircolors between many of the boys .. anyway, Yesung should really be called they did on the Unforgettable Outing show cos the next song he wore just his blazer... hahaha... E.L.F was like almost reaching dolphin pitch screaming.. I didn't spot his JeJu Do birthmark..but i bet IF anyone managed to take pics then it was on

- HaeFish's new hair is amazing...omg..he is just soooo boyish and handsome...diess!!

- I think the outfits have changed a bit and i'm loving it..esp. Hyukjae's <3.

- Sungmin had a pony tail and was in a sleeveless shirt in some songs and so was Siwon- pony tail and sleeveless so it was hard to separate them at times.. Min looked buff!! keke..but of course full of aegyo. He was going crazy jumping on those mini trampoline thingies and then Hankyung jumped on too and he almost fell off but he went right back to it.keke

- Heenim's solo was sooo good! For the first half of the song he had his back to the audience singing and we could see the Hee on his jacket and then he went all rocker.. sticking out his tongue and wiping his mouth..ahh diess a 1000 times.. he went really close and pretend kissed Sungmin and the fangirls died again..and then Jungmo came out (he was AMAZING!!) and him and Heenim were soooo close and did a really good job of pretend making out (i think)..haha even the fangirls were confused and I was at a distance.. haha either way, he totally rocked it.. but Kangin had to give a disclaimer at the end saying that Heenim really does like girls lol.

- Siwon and Sungmin were awesome on the drums and guitar respectively and soo was Wookie on the piano. He was right in front of us and Kyu came and serenaded our section.. omg.. his voice is so smoooth and heavenly!! I felt like i was in a trance everytime he started singing. Got to see lots of his gorgeous self cos he stood on our side a lot. When K.R.Y was singing and he was on that high stand thingy, he was sooo adorable. He started acting like a conductor and made us sway our glowsticks along to the song's beat and when everyone was in sync he gave the most precious smile and the Ok sign. <3

- During She's gone, E.L.F planned a surprise so the sections turned on their lightsticks one by was amazing..and i cried ..also because She's gone is forever one of my favourite songs<3333. they had some mike problems though but either way, beautiful.

- at one point Kangin's mike squealed sooo loud, he jumped and threw out his earpiece going "ahh" right while he was singing..haha.

- During Night in Chicago with the water guns, some of the fans had water guns too and started squirting poor Wookie who obviously was trapped by that donkey thingy...haha but he was soooo cute and mangnae like and while singing was like "Wae gurae" to the

- umm..what else.. just random moments.. there was major a TeukChul moment when the two were like breakdancing?doing spins on the floor and then immediately they were both like rubbing their backs in pain..haha but it was the cutest thing ever. They hugged a lot<3

- KangTeuk moments of course during Suju T's performance made all the fangirls go wild.

- I was waiting for my EunHae but those two sillybutts were mostly on the other side of the stage.. but i did see Donghae kick Hyukjae at least 6 times..haha.. its like every time he finds him, he just can't stop himself..but i felt a little sad for Fishy cos during the beginning Shindong and Hyukkie were goofing off and he looked like he wanted to be a part of it but couldn't find a leeway so he went off to do his own thing..keke.. but it was cute how he hovers around Hyukkie and they always either kick each other of hug when they cross paths. During Hyuk's line in Believe (i think) Hae was sitting behind him so sweetly but of course it lasted a moment and then he was back to bullying Hyuk by covering his face and obstructing the mike..

- many EunMin hugs...and EunShi hugs I think..but Siwon and Sungmin were confusing me tonight so not totally sure..

- a totally spazzworthy moment was when Kyu and Geng came up to our side and sat on the piano bench that Ryeo had been using. Geng sat down but Kyu also sat right behind him and they were like pretend playing the piano together..hahaha...

- Teukkie is sooo much love. at the end he was doing the round and bowing to every was soo funny cos he ran up towards us and was greeted by yellow tape and was like.. (huh? i can't go there) but it was the wrong way..haha. the girls were all going crazy trying to shake his hand and stuff so he missed the Miracle train..keke..

- Kyu sat in front of us during Marry You but Hae was on the other side so he stopped by for a while.. KAngTeuk, Hae, Kibum. Hyuk were definitely getting teary eyed during Marry You but not bawling moments this time.. Siwon was soo sweet. He made a crying action and then an X and pointed towards the fans. Heenim was also getting choked up i think so he started doing random things..
- when the fans were singing, they all mouthed the Saranghae part and Hae also sang along to Yeolsemyung<3

- Oh yea... Sexy Back this time was without the girls and it was so funny how all of E.L.F was like cheering cos even before the dance I could hear them praying for no girls.. The dance was hotness to the max.

- Siwon took off his shirt two times during the Encore.. Teukkie lifted his shirt during Galjeung i think, Hae of course showed his sexy back and quickly buttoned up right after..hehe Fish..and so did Heenim. YeSung's outfits were definitely designed to show off his body Kangin exposed his shoulder//I think Kibum might have at one point too .. his hairstyle was slightly different. it was my first time seeing him since he missed the fanmeeting so it was awesome.. he really does have a million dollar smile! He was so cute shuffling at the end to do the bow.

- Shinee was in the audience and so the boys kept coming over to them and serenading them/throwing them things..haha. Heechul went up to them and did his crazy Noona nomu yeppeu dance and the Shinee boys were laughing and standing up clapping. Heenim also imitated Girls Generation, Miccheosseo, DBSK's mirotic move and of course Rainism .. that was a popular choice and I saw several of the boys imitating it at different points..haha..

- during Rokkugo, he changed his lyrics to Yeppeun Yeppeun Heechul i da or smtg like that..haha

YEah it was so cute..Siwon's grandma was in the audience along with some of the boys' mothers I think cos during the H.I.T song the boys were looking over and grandma gave a little wave and thumbs up. Kangin later pointed out that it was Siwon's grandma and they were all like give her a kiss..but there was no ladder for him to down from the stage so he I think EunHyuk suggested smtg about kissing (one of the members or smtg...didn't understand properly) but that earned him a kick from

- YeSung's brother and parents were in the audience too and Hyukkie's mother. A few of them were waving the glowsticks.. soo adorable!

- at one point Yesung came up to our section of the side stage and Hankyung was actually on stage where Ryeo's piano was and the two goofs were like jumping up and down in pretend excitement waving at each other..haha..

- They took and used soo much of the fan stuff..and then threw it back into the audience! At one point Hyuk was wearing a blue Afro wig (i think) and a cape... Hae had a bear hat, Leader of course wings, Yesung was wearing the suju show towel..haha

- mini water fight..Hae looked so excited but Kibum and Yesung were like he went and attacked Leader.

- oh yea.. Teukkie tripped and fell on his Little Prince Outfit again...jinx much!

- During the surprise encore to the encore ..haha Pajama Party- Hyuk was teaching Hae/Kibum and Siwon to do the chin dance..but most of them gave up and went back to doing their own versions..haha.

- Shindongee was soooo cute and sweet. especially to our side. He came up and collected as much as he could of what the fans were giving him- binoculars/stuffed animals.. and i think a girl gave him gloves or smtg and he was like, "Mwoya?" haha

- Kyu came back to us to give out the balls .. this time they only had a few and most were thrown around the stage.Hyukjae finally came to our side with a single sapphire blue balloon but it quickly got snatched. he was still continuing his rounds but the song ended and he had to turn around halfway through and sprint back to the stage cos the members were making fun of him.

- During the encore, Shindong found a camera or was pretending to have a camera.. I couldn't tell properly cos so much was going on but EunHae sat down to pose and Min joined them and later Geng I think.. if it was a real camera.. i dieee of envy..whoever it belonged to!

- Lots of hugs, stroking cheeks and kicking..^^During Galjeung in the rap battle kinda part, Hae and Chul were all charisma in each other's faces but ended up hugging^^ and EunMin or EunTeuk too I think. ShiHae kicked Hyuk a few times and I think Hyuk got them back a couple of times. During YMCA Hyuk and Siwon were again battling Zorro and Bruce Lee style. Sungmin was Robin Hood I think?!?! KyuGeng hugs:)

- I think that's about all I remember. YeTeuk's Love Really Hurts was gorgeous.

Big thanks to miss_mulan77 without whom I couldn't have attended the concert<3 hehe..
oh and sidenote- E.L.F was really sweet. After the concert some of them went around collecting the trash cos they didn't want Suju to get a bad rep.
Oh and like they had planned a while ago..they wanted just a sea of sapphire blue glowsticks in the concert but I guess some fans bought different ones with a red star so they were all trying to get them to put it off.. But Kangin saw it later and he was like, "Hi Cassiopeia. Our friend." ...."its a Suju concert/// but we are SM family" or smtg. But it was actually a Suju glowstick.

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[INFO] Fan Accounts from Super Junior Encore Show  Part 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [INFO] Fan Accounts from Super Junior Encore Show Part 2   [INFO] Fan Accounts from Super Junior Encore Show  Part 2 EmptySun Jan 11, 2009 1:54 am

wow,, ELFs r really amazing!!
i was impress when i read ELFs went around collecting the trash cos they didn't want Suju to get a bad rep after the concert.. ok
mann,, ELFs who watched this concert were really lucky..
if only i were there..
hwaiting oppa!! success!! smiling
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Super ELF
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[INFO] Fan Accounts from Super Junior Encore Show  Part 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [INFO] Fan Accounts from Super Junior Encore Show Part 2   [INFO] Fan Accounts from Super Junior Encore Show  Part 2 EmptySun Jan 11, 2009 4:13 pm

thx thx thx alottt for sharing this!
i love reading things bout them..
especially when there's hugs, skinships between them (AWWS ><)
or even strips! kyaa.. -imma pass out soon-
the boys playing instruments..
kicking each other..
fooling around..
:'( wish they'd come to indonesia to perform!!!
i'll even skip school if they perf on a school day..
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Sunbae ELF
Sunbae ELF

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[INFO] Fan Accounts from Super Junior Encore Show  Part 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [INFO] Fan Accounts from Super Junior Encore Show Part 2   [INFO] Fan Accounts from Super Junior Encore Show  Part 2 EmptyMon Jan 12, 2009 9:14 pm


ooohhh....siwon oppa injured ne ne...
oppa wish u will be fine...u did a nice
job on dat show...u do ur best...
diz is also the part wer heechul oppa
pretend to kissed sungmin oppa and
really kissed jungmo oppa...awww..
well, siwon's grandma is der..?? oohh
dat was so kind of her...jejeje...
hhmmpp...showing der sexy back must
not be skipped...hahaha...kidding^^
well, u guys really did the best....
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[INFO] Fan Accounts from Super Junior Encore Show  Part 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [INFO] Fan Accounts from Super Junior Encore Show Part 2   [INFO] Fan Accounts from Super Junior Encore Show  Part 2 EmptySat Jan 17, 2009 9:50 am

the ELF's are gorgeous! wiggle
I wish I could have seen all that she said!
then I would be very happy feel so good
I wish I could see Chul doing the noona no mu yeppo dance fooling

thankies for sharing :3
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