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 [DISC]fan accounts on SSII

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[DISC]fan accounts on SSII Empty
PostSubject: [DISC]fan accounts on SSII   [DISC]fan accounts on SSII EmptySat Jul 18, 2009 9:16 pm


1:25 PM ELFs are already beginning to arrive at the stadium

4:30 ELFs begin to enter, but the security is extremely strict, phones are not allowed either.

4:45 SHINee members arrive and take their seats under the stage

5:27 Donghae has wavy hair in a ponytail; he is wearing black vest on the outside & black/white striped clothing on the inside

5:29 A Man in Love is the starting song.

5:30 Geng’s hair is dyed blond, and Heechul is wearing a black mask over his mouth.

5:37 A Man in Love ends, U starts.

5:41 In the middle of U, the dance changes, and there’s a transition to Neorago, a remixed version.

5:42 Donghae takes off his vest. Ryeowook is wearing a black hat, Eunhyuk’s hair is red ( what?! O___O ;; ) and Heechul’s hair is amber-orange colored.

5:49 SJ introduces themselves & the members dance a little during their introductions

5:50 Eunhyuk takes a towel out of his vest to wipe his sweat, then he throws it into the audience. Kangin sprays water around. Donghae comes out and introduces himself as a fish, but as he comes out to dance, Eunhyuk hits his butt ( lol ! )

5:51 Yesung throws away his own glasses, and then goes back to get them, Leeteuk’s dance involves hip-shaking.

5:52 After the intros, everyone sits down to sing Angela.

5:54 Kangin helps Eunhyuk wipe his sweat.

5:56 Yesung meets up with Siwon and they sing together.

5:58 Miracle ( rock version ) plays and Heechul bows / waves to the audience.

6:02 Disco Drive plays, and Kangin sprays water on the audience.

6:04 Dancing Out !

6:05 Eunhae were dancing together while Kangteuk kissed.

6:05 Sungmin had his solo, Baby Baby, and stood on the rotating platform

6:09 The VCR plays.

6:10 Heechul’s solo starts.

6:12 TRAX Jungmo joins him, playing his guitar.

6:15 Donghae’s solo; he sang a fast-paced Korean song while dancing ( the dance ft. Eunhyuk ), wearing a plaid had, white vest w. white shirt inside, plaid pants, with suspenders.

6:16 Donghae steals a camera from the staff and takes pictures ( lol ! )

6:17 Yesung’s solo, “ Resignation.”

6:20 Ryeowook’s solo; he dances with a girl wearing thin clothes.

6:22 Kyuhyun’s solo, Seven Year’s Love, wearing white clothes.

6:31 Heartquake plays, but Eunhyuk does the rapping, DBSK does not come.

6:33 Eunhyuk is wearing all white, wearing black sunglasses and a white hat.

6:39 Kangin’s solo, wearing yellow clothes and a white hat.

6:40 Donghae comes on stage with a white vest.

6:41 Leeteuk’s solo, Honey.

6:45 VCR plays.

6:46 Don’t Don starts, Yesung wears a white vest on the outside, with a black tank in the inside. He’s wearing black gloves.

6:48 Henry appears in the middle of Don’t Don on the rotating platform.

6:49 In the middle, Eunhae dance together, as a solo.

6:50 Twins plays.

6:55 VCR plays.

6:58 You’re My Endless Love plays; Donghae wears gray clothing. There’s a hole in his shirt.

7:00 Eunhyuk kisses Ryeowook, who was shy about it.

7:04 VCR plays, it’s a cartoon. Kyuhyun sings nursery rhymes, Kangin is the wolf, Shindong is a doll, Siwon is a fly, Ryeowook is a snake, Eunhyuk is insect , Geng is a bird, Sungmin is a spider, Donghae and Leeteuk are hunters ( and a bit indecent ). Kangin (wolf) protects Shindong (doll), but Leeteuk and Donghae ) the hunters) catch Kangin with a net, then they laugh evilly. Etc.. The hunters fail at the end.

7:06 Our Love plays. Kangin kisses Eunhyuk.

7:08 Shindong, Eunhyuk and Geng act out a play, wearing pajamas.

7:12 They start dancing with three girls.

7:13 They have a dance battle with each other.

7:16 Siwon starts to sing his solo, with Ryeowook on the piano. ( there is a church in the background )

7:18 Kangin, Leeteuk, Sungmin, Donghae and Kyhyun come out during Siwon’s solo.

7:20 At Least There’s Still You, Korean version, begins to play.

7:23 Me ( Korean version ) plays, with all of SJ-M.

7:28 Donghae high fives Henry and slaps Zhou Mi’s butt.

7:35 Shining Star plays, and they sit down ( like in Marry U )

7:36 Leeteuk cries.

7:46 Rokkugo plays.

7:51 Donghae attacks Leeteuk with a flying kick.

7:52 Gee plays.

8:06 Donghae kicks Leeteuk’s butt again, and Leeteuk slaps him.

8:09 VCR plays; Heechul is painting, drawing Donghae as a fish, Geng as a dragon. Donghae ( as a person ) is riding on dragon!Geng and then transforms back into a fish, and hugs Leeteuk.

9:11 Sorry Sorry ( remixed ) plays, everyone is wearing all white.

9:13 Everyone comes back on stage, they are trapped inside a cage. There is a fish on Donghae’s head, and he is waving a fishy flag.

9:15 Geng’s dragon tail is too long, and Heechul helps him carry it.

9:18 Sapphire Blue just played, and Marry U starts now.

9:23 They say goodbye, bow and the audience waits for an encore …

9:34 There appears to be no encore, so every begins to leave.

*may contain inaccuracies, as it is a fan account.

translation credits:
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Shining ELF
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[DISC]fan accounts on SSII Empty
PostSubject: Re: [DISC]fan accounts on SSII   [DISC]fan accounts on SSII EmptySun Jul 19, 2009 8:18 pm

my goooooooooooooooooodddd O-O!!!!

they take note of eEVERYTHING!!!

and there seems to be a lot of kissing going on~ hmm?
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[DISC]fan accounts on SSII Empty
PostSubject: Re: [DISC]fan accounts on SSII   [DISC]fan accounts on SSII EmptySun Jul 19, 2009 10:28 pm

Haha I think I'm kinda studying right now, about Super Show XD
Yep EunYoo-sshi right, they do take notes of everything
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[DISC]fan accounts on SSII Empty
PostSubject: Re: [DISC]fan accounts on SSII   [DISC]fan accounts on SSII EmptySun Jul 19, 2009 10:33 pm

wat is dat???
so many things to know
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Sunbae ELF
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[DISC]fan accounts on SSII Empty
PostSubject: Re: [DISC]fan accounts on SSII   [DISC]fan accounts on SSII EmptyMon Jul 20, 2009 5:12 pm funny~~!!!!
all are almost detailed..
i'm going to watch it soon...
on hiatus!!!
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[DISC]fan accounts on SSII Empty
PostSubject: Re: [DISC]fan accounts on SSII   [DISC]fan accounts on SSII EmptyTue Jul 28, 2009 12:28 pm

haha..thank u thank u
i imagined every details on how they dressed, how playful they r on the stage, each n every songs they sang, how noisy the ELF became, n i even imagined the part where eeteuk cried. depressed
deadfun n i even had some visual hallucination of me bein in the concert taking their pictures (from afar of course bcos i'm too shy) n taking notes like this ELF did
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